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A Comedy

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And that you freeze not for bad-fellow,
I marry you with Patience. Traiterous villain!
Is it not enough to wrong me, and betray me,
But 't must be done with scoffs; accursed Trincalo:
And me most miserable! I that when I thought
T'imbrace young Flavia, see her before my face
Bestowd upon my sonne! my sonne my Rivall!
This is Eugenio's plot, and his friend Lelio's;
Who, with my servant Cricca, have conspir'd,
And suborn'd Trincalo to betray his Master.

Why do I rage 'gainst any but my selfe,
That have committed such a serious businesse
To th'hands of a base Clown, and ignorant?
I see mine errour, but no means to help it.
Only the sweetnesse of revenge is left me,
Which I must execute: th'houres of's Gentry
Are now clean spent. Ile home, and there attend him.