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or, A collection of poems. Written between the ages of twelve and seventeen, by J. H. L. Hunt ... Fourth Edition

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Deo Opt. Max.

Almighty King, who sit'st above,
Enthron'd with Majesty and Love,
Eternal arbiter of fate;
Whether we name thee God of all,
Or Alla, Jove, or Mithra call,
Thou, thou alone art truly great!
Princes, the shadows of thy nod,
Live but to shew, how low to God
Is all the gaudy pride of earth:
Thy Kingdom comprehends all space;
Thy Crown, enrich'd with pearls of grace,
Is glorious as the Morning's birth!
If earth's an atom in thy sight,
Enwrapt in Folly's mazy night,


How low am I that on it dwell!
Thy Brightness, not the sun can show;
Thy Voice, not all the winds that blow,
Nor all the rolling thunders tell!
The earthquake, and the tempest, both
Are but the bubbles of thy wrath,
When Vice appall'd shrinks at thy frown;
But fearless Virtue's heav'nly form,
Sits, like an angel, mid the storm,
And smiling wreathes her olive crown.
Grasp the whole earth within thy hand,
Bid heav'n be nought at thy command,
Thou, only thou, be still the same;
The void immense itself shall cry,
“Glory to thee, O God most High,”
And ever “hallow'd be thy Name!”