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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.” —Job, xiii. 15.

Be such, in trial's darkest hour,
Our trust and confidence in God;
Be such our faith's sustaining power,
Our meek submission to His rod:
Then, though our outward life be slain,
One far more glorious we shall gain.
There is a life we must forego,
If we would shun death's keenest sting;
A death there is we here must know,
If we to endless life would cling:
O Lord! that hidden life supply,
And teach us daily how to die.
Who seeks to save his outward life,
Shall lose the life which Christ would give;
Who dies for Him—shall by that strife
With Him o'er death triumphant live!
O for this heavenly life within!
This daily death to self—and sin!


Where these through grace divine are known,
The language of the heart will be,
I live, O Lord! in thee alone,
Though slain—I place my trust in thee;
Enough if by thy power divine
I find my life and death in thine.