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Translations, and Occasional Poems. By Barbarina Lady Dacre.[i.e. Barbarina Brand] In Two Volumes

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The cheerful day revives me. All night long
In thousand changeful forms my labouring fancy
Presented Sigiswold. The very smile
Beam'd on me still—the smile he wore in death!
He wrung my hand as then; and, as I gazed,
He glared all ghastly, horrible. In agony
I shook off sleep—again I sunk o'erwearied,
And then methought my son came towering on,
Nor touch'd the ground, but in contempt.

Enter Osric.
My liege!
From royal Egbert messengers arrive.

Conduct them hither.
[Osric goes.
My distemper'd thoughts bode nought but ill. Enter Edred.

What tidings from the army?


Prince Egbert greets his father and his king
With duteous love and firmest loyalty;
Already to his banners throng thy subjects
With ardour never witness'd. He had number'd
Ten thousand men in arms ere he dismiss'd us.
The peasant leaves the coulter in the furrow
To snatch his battle-axe, or ponderous spear;
The aged bowman, all unnerved by time,
Grasps the tough yew he can no longer bend.
Ev'n mothers bid their slender striplings arm,
To follow their loved prince! their future king!

Their future king! say they, “their future king?”
Are they impatient that old Cenulph lives?
It is enough. You may retire.
[Exit Edred.
The prince,
Elated, thinks 'tis but to break a lance
With Ethelbald, and gaily speed him back
To love and Ina. [He appears in great agitation.
Enter Baldred.

Baldred, thou art welcome!
I think thou art true, nor like the summer courtier,
Dost more affect the prince than thy old master;
Oswald I doubt, and Orgar.—The smooth Alwyn


Is wholly his.—The father's tenderness
Has, more than all, proved traitor to the king.
Did I say king? Ah! king no longer, Baldred,
Than it may please Prince Egbert!

True, my liege;
You have cause to fear him.

Fear him! Fear my son?

Yes, you do fear the prince, and you have cause;
E'en the wolf's whelp will gambol round its dam
With new life's graces:—but ere long, behold
The blood-red eye-balls glare—the keen-hook'd fangs:
Anon th' invaded fold, the slaughter'd flock.
Yes, Egbert was a child—his father's darling—
But now he is a prince, in manhood's prime,
Bold, strong, ambitious—and the soldier's idol.

Of Egbert's growing honours thou would'st speak,
Nor aught infer of dark design. I said—
I know not what—in moody vein. Thou hast seen
The lambent lightnings flash o'er summer skies;
E'en so a father for a moment chides.
The ominous clouds must heap their sooty volumes,
Shrouding the last blue space of hope, ere yet
The bolt be sped in wrath.


Nay, trust him till he pluck
The diadem from thy time-silver'd brow.
I can retire within my holy cell,
That, self-defended in its sanctity,
Not shameless vice shall dare to violate;
Welcome to me the sacred fold I left!

Stay, Baldred, stay! Think not I bar my ear
Against thy counsel. Yes, my rebel son
Must be reduced to duty and obedience.

Then must his wanton, Ina, be removed!
There is nor peace, nor safety for the realm,
Till Egbert with the Mercian princess weds.
'Tis but to pluck this canker-worm away—

And crush it underneath my foot, good Baldred?

Rather, my liege, to holy keeping yield her.
To the new faith devoted by strong vows,
The veil shall shroud her from his sight for ever;
And from her wiles escaped, the prince once more
Is Wessex' heir, and Cenulph's duteous son.

The marriage void declared, thyself shall lead


And offer at the holy shrine the victim;
But she must be compell'd herself to cancel
The idle vow, or Egbert will not yield
To wed as the high views of state demand.
If she refuse—her doom is fix'd—she dies!

Most wise! most just!—Yet had not I kept watch,
She had escaped beneath a peasant's garb,
By darkness favour'd.

Thanks to thy vigilance!
We must be prompt. But I would have the council
Debate on this, and hear her on each charge—
That all may know how just the king's decree.

The lords, assembled, wait the royal presence.
Ere yet they met, I sounded warily
Each several bosom: they are well advised.
They view with steady eye the general good,
Nor mark the private pang. Leave all to them!
'Tis meet that Alwyn (though we know him false)
Should hold his place among them: he will mark
The father's wish to save, ere yet the king
And prudent council doom the criminal.
