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Songs, Ballads, and Other Poems

by the late Thomas Haynes Bayly; Edited by his Widow. With A Memoir of the Author. In Two Volumes

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(Hindoostanee Air.)


She never blamed him—never,—
But received him when he came,
With a welcome kind as ever,
And she tried to look the same:
But vainly she dissembled,
For whene'er she tried to smile,
A tear unbidden trembled
In her blue eye all the while.


She knew that she was dying
And she dreaded not her doom;
She never thought of sighing
O'er her beauty's blighted bloom.
She knew her cheek was altered,
And she knew her eye was dim;
But her sweet voice only faltered,
When she spoke of losing him.



'Tis true that He had lured her
From the isle where she was born;
'Tis true He had inured her
To the cold world's cruel scorn;
But yet she never blamed him
For the anguish she had known;
And though she seldom named him
Yet she thought of Him alone.


She sighed when he caress'd her,
For she knew that they must part;
She spoke not when he press'd her
To his young and panting heart:—
The banners waved around her,
And she heard the bugle's sound—
They pass'd—and strangers found her
Cold and lifeless on the ground.