University of Virginia Library


“He opened the rock of stone, and the waters flowed out, so that rivers ran in the dry places.”

Then often from that silence, long conceal'd,
In awe beyond all utterance most keen,
Thine Eye turns on us; Satan then is seen
Departing; all his crafts at once reveal'd,
When he hath gain'd his end, and sin hath seal'd
Our disobedience: then breaks forth between
The love of our dear Lord, which long hath been
Watching, and yet so oft in vain appeal'd
To earnest vow and promise vainly spent.
Then by His rod the smitten rock is rent,
And suddenly the waters pour apace
From the deep hidden fountains of His Grace,
To freshen the dry wilderness within,
Parch'd by the fiery blast that pass'd in sin.