University of Virginia Library



The sylphs and ondines
And the seakings and queens
Once, on the waves built a wonderful a city,
As lovely as seems
To some bard, in his dreams,
The soul of his sweetest love-ditty.
Long ago! long ago! ah, that was long ago!—
Thick, as on chalices
Kings keep for treasure,
Jewel-born lustres,
Temples and palaces,
Places of pleasure,
Glitter'd in clustres;
Night broke out shining
With splendour and festival
O'er the meandering murmurous streets,
Seawaves went pining
With love thro' the musical
Multiform bridges and marble retreats
Of this city of wonder, where dwelt the ondines
Long ago, and the sylphs, and the seakings and queens.
Ah, that was long ago!—
But the sylphs and ondines,
And the seakings and queens
Are fled under the waves.


And I glide, unespied,
Down the glimmering tide,
('Mid forms silently passing, as silent as any!)
Here in the waves
Of this city of graves
To bury my heart,—one grave more to the many!—