University of Virginia Library



The morning star was rising,
O'er ocean's tremulous crystal hung;
His bright feet touched the billow,
His glance o'er earth he flung;
On the young Queen he played;
Yet warm and disarrayed,
As, leaping lightly from her pillow,
The golden harp she swayed.
Hide not the clouds among,
Brightest star, and fairest!
Until her song those heavens along
Between thy wings thou bearest.


‘Thou that on my dreams
All night long wert beaming,
O'er shining leaves and silver streams
Brighter now art gleaming;
Every fountain hath
Light thy keen smiles give her;
In every bay-leaf's dewy bath
Thy soft swift glances quiver.’
Hide not the clouds among,
Brightest star and fairest!
Until her song those heavens along
Between thy wings thou bearest.



‘Heaven doth laugh above,
Earth below is gay,
And souls that walk 'twixt light and love
Shall walk in joy alway,
White as yon lily sweet,
That springs, while cold airs fan it,
A virgin spouse her mate to greet
In thee, glad matin Planet!’
Hide not the clouds among,
Brightest star and fairest!
Until her song those heavens along
Between thy wings thou bearest.


‘All the starry hosts,
And all the angelic band,
At once o'er all the ethereal coasts
Leaped forth at God's command;
But surely from afar
'Twas thee men saw on high,
When darkness fled before the star
Of Christ's Nativity.’
Hide not the clouds among
Brightest star and fairest!
Until her song those heavens along
Between thy wings thou bearest.


‘When the earth was made
Stars and angels sang;
When Christ was in the manger laid
More loud the anthem rang;


But louder yet those choirs
The last great morn shall blend
Their heavenly songs and heavenly fires,
While thou dost last ascend.’
Hide not the clouds among,
Brightest star and fairest!
Until her song those heavens along
Between thy wings thou bearest.