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Shall I not bid to David Jones adieu—
He who had sail'd with [Anson's] hardy Crew;
He who had been about the world and found,
On his [protested] word, it was not round!
“'Tis all like England, every earthly Spot;
“The Days are short and long, and cold and hot.
“So they are here! Of all that I could trace
“Are, just like us, a little darker race;
“But striving all, by measures foul and fair,
“To get our Nails, for Nails are many there.
“They tipple grog; they love their dance and feasts,


“And are taboo'd and terrified by priests.
“Civil enough, when nothing thwarts their Will,
“But very Devils when you use them ill;
“Vain like ourselves and very fond of praise,
“Proud of their lands, and [their peculiar ways].
“They have no money, but they change their Hams
“And the whole Pig for [OMITTED] and yams;
“There are some honest, as I may believe;
“But all I saw have a delight to thieve.
“So should we feel—at least 'tis my Belief—
“If we had not our Law to hang a Thief.
“They go to War like us, their Queens and Kings—
“And, just like us, for mighty trivial things.
“There is a difference in our Ways[, 'tis true];
“But Men are Men and Women Women too.
“As far as I could see into their Hearts,
“They act, as we do, well and ill their parts;
“And we must think, the more of [man] we see,
“That he is not the thing he ought to be;
“But, go where'er you will, you'll ever find
“Man is a selfish and a sinful kind.”
So David thought, when he was stout and stern
And had his Pittance by his toil to earn.
On my return a pensioned man I found,
For a [lost leg] and many a grievous Wound.
Grateful he was and good, and loved to sing,
“Rule, Rule Brittania!” and “God save the King!” [OMITTED]