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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 41.

[Thou art the Root from whence we sprung]

Rev. 22. 16. I am the Root and Off-spring of David.

[The First Part.]

Thou art the Root from whence we sprung
Who are thy chosen ones;
Till we were grafted into thee,
We were like to dry bones.
The Root of Grace and Nature too
Art thou we do espy;
Not only Man, but God also,
We never will deny
The top-stone of thy glory great:
All things by thee were made,
And at thy word at the last day
They all again shall fade.
Ah! in this Root what sap is there?
The branches shall be fed;
Come drooping Saints be of good chear,
Lift up with joy your head:


You grafted are in such a Root
Whose vertue's infinite;
Can you want grace, why do you doubt?
Such souls God does unite
To Jesus Christ; they all shall have
From him all fit supply;
And unto them, for their support,
He nothing will deny.
Christ is our Head, Christ is our Root,
Christ is our Life also;
Christ is your Food, our Sun, our Strength,
What have you now to do
But live unto his holy name,
And sing his praises forth?
O raise his glory and his fame
Whilst you do live on earth.

The Second Part.

The Root it does the Body bear,
And every Branch therein;
Most safe thy Churches Members are,
And so have ever been:
Because by thee they are sustain'd,
Thy Tree shall never fall;
It can't be dug up by the root,
Our life is hid from all.


Like as the root is hid i'th' earth,
And life does center there,
Even in the Root; so we by Faith
Lord see how safe we are
In thy own self; none can hurt thee,
Nor can they stop the course
Of that sweet Sap that feeds our Tree;
A blessed intercourse
There is between those souls of thine
And thy own self, O Lord;
We'll never fear what Foes can do,
If sap thou dost afford.
Let us in thee well rooted be,
Our Root is very sound;
If we enjoy true unity,
Our Fruit will much abound.
Because that thou dost always live,
Thy Branches shall also;
Thou unto us thy life dost give,
Thy grace does overflow.
Ye righteous in the Lord rejoyce,
His holiness proclaim;
Be thankful with your hearts and voice,
And sing of his great fame.