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[Pride, Beauty, Prattle, Leachery and Conceit]

Pride, Beauty, Prattle, Leachery and Conceit,
Airy Deportment, and the want of Wit;
Small Waste, Plump Buttocks, and a Face Divine;
Wretchedly Foolish, and extreamly Fine:
At Hackney, Stepney, or at Chealsea Bred,
In Dancing perfect, and in Plays well Read;
The only Daughter of the Trading Fop,
Train'd half in School, and t'other half in Shop;
Who nothing by her Parents is deny'd,
T'improve her Charms or gratifie her Pride.
Spoil'd by her Fathers Fondness and his Pounds,
Till her wild Fancy knows at last no Bounds:
Impatient of Extreams, with Pride half Craz'd,
Then must her Head a Story higher be rais'd:
In her next Gaudy Gown, her Sweeping Train,
Is order'd to be made as long again;
All things must vary from the common Rode,
And reach a Size beyond the Decent Mode:
Thus Monstrously Adorn'd, to make a show,
She walks in State, and Courtsies very low,
And is a proper Mistress for the Fool, a Beau.