University of Virginia Library



On this same spot, at many a festive time,
You've seen me mount a-cock-horse—on my rhyme;
Round Fancy's course, in short excursions stray;
And canter careless, over carpet-way.
But for the present day's sublimer track,
This nag of nine-pence, my poetick hack,
Nor blood, nor bone, nor foot, nor wind supplies.—
—A Pegasus must raise me—if I rise!
Suppose that Pegasus ready at my call!
Suppose him strong enough to bear you all!—
Come!—take your seats—you're safe as safe can be:—
Bravo!—'tis done!—and Hey! boys!—up go we!


The Persian Magi, and th' Egyptian Sage,
Claim our first visit; and our longest stage.
They Nature's face, thro' Nature's veil discern'd;
And taught in symbols, what by toil they learn'd.
Motion her earliest attribute they knew;
And in a waving line it's likeness drew.
The triangle's fix'd base, and varying side,
Matter's gross weight, and changeful forms imply'd.
T' express in Space uncircumscrib'd extent
The hieroglyphick hawk his pinions lent.
Beneath the Beetle's shape they bade us see
Th' effect of solar Heat, and animal Energy.
Thus they deep sense by obvious signs disclose!
And when from Nature to her God they rose,
They mark'd his Essence by a mystic Round;
All Centre—tho' no eye it's place had found;
And All Circumference—tho' without a bound.


So much for Eastern Lore, at learning's source!
To Grecian Schools direct we now our course.
There, with more pomp, by axioms more combin'd,
Proportion's theorems Nature's laws defin'd:
On abstract paradox all system mov'd;
Privation gave the powers, Negation prov'd.
Did secret springs contiguous parts unite?
They call'd it Sympathy—and all was right.
Did discord rise from properties unseen?
Antipathy was an universal screen.
What facts they trac'd, in splendid style they drest;
And Qualities occult still solv'd the rest.
Theory meanwhile, at every step they made,
A gradual, yet a partial light display'd:
Much, tho' not all, stood demonstration's test;
And Euclid sanction'd oft, what Aristotle guess'd.
From classic Greece to classic Italy's coast,
Is mere high road, where Pegasus travels post;


But there, save Pliny, scarce a name remains;
Pliny, who gave more credit, than he gains:
And while to bulk immense his volume grew,
Heard every gossip's tale—and told it too!
Well, Sirs! how large a circuit we have past!
And where's the true Philosophy at last?
Where? but at home?—If ever 'tis complete,
England, old England is it's favorite seat!
There all her stores to Bacon Nature spread:
There her own laws in Newton's rules she read:
There hand in hand with Boyle she lov'd to stray;
And led, and met Experiment half way:
There, coy no more, she shews her beauties still
To speculative truth, and practic skill;
Thro' earth, air, sea, Discovery's range extends;
And only stops it—where Existence ends.
Where ends Existence?—that's a stop indeed!
And there, with your good leave, we'll stop our steed.


Thanks for your company on this rambling jaunt!
Thanks for whate'er you do—whate'er you grant!
Nor wonder, if on every theme we try,
We catch some hint to speak our feelings by.
To boast such Friends, and boasting to rejoice,
If not Philosophy's—is Nature's voice.