University of Virginia Library



A Fragment.

Now Artemon, a favourite Name,
Inspires Eurypyle with Flame:
An Upstart of ignoble Blood,
Who plodded late in Shoes of Wood;
And round his Waist, instead of Vest,
Wore a Cow's stinking Hide undrest,
Which might, on fit Occasion, yield.
Rank Covering for a rotten Shield.


This Wretch, with other Wretches vile,
Liv'd hard by Drudgery and Toil;
Oft sentenc'd cruel Pains to feel
At Whipping-post, or Racking-wheel:
But now, conspicuous from afar,
He rides triumphant in his Car;
With golden Pendants in his Ears,
Aloft the silken Reins he bears,
Proud, and effeminately gay:
His Slaves an Ivory Skreen display,
To guard him from the Solar Ray.