University of Virginia Library

But who yon' figure, with obtrusive air
Shot forward?—Hark, how voluble, he vaunts


The sudden splendor beam'd upon his brows
By fraudulence, and rapine and chicane,
An Indian upstart!—Many a vulgar sneer
He points at plain hereditary sense;
Mocks unassuming virtue's honest pride,
And bids it seek a refuge in the cells
Of dark retirement from oppression's fangs—
Closing the moated castle's airy hall,
Whose lofty-window'd pomp shall boast no more
The rich reflection of the storied pane,
But frown its horrors on the spectre-tribe
Of ancestry dishonour'd! Such the force
Of eastern opulence, of eastern state
Too menacing!—And see the dazzled throng
O'er-rul'd by peculation's offspring, hail
His insolent pretensions with applause,
Tho' but a fleeting murmur. For hehold!
With mild address and dignity appears
A long-known patriot, of ingenuous birth,
Ingenuous virtue!—O'er his placid mien
A prepossessing lustre softly spreads;


And each inferior speaker shrinks abash'd:
Whilst with the modesty that e'er adorns
Pure unpretending merit, he unfolds
The topic of discussion in a vein
Of elocution's flowing ease; adverts
To popular opinions, sketching clear
The feature of the times; with keen address
Observes the general temper of the crowd;
Seizes in quick transition (yet with art
Too latent to be visible) the sparks
Of momentary spirit; at a stroke
Lays bare the party-zealot's dark design;
And, lashing the mean agents of intrigue,
On ev'ry point expatiates unrestrain'd—
Till now the oration rises into all
Its energy; and his electric eye
And every animated gesture act
His ardent speech, his vehemence of thought.
He ceases. An extatic pause succeeds,
That bars all utterance—when a mingled shout
Applausive echoes to the concave heaven!