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Spiritual Songs, or, Songs of Praise to Almighty God Upon several Occasions

Together with The Song of Songs Which is Solomons. First Turn'd, then Paraphrased in English Verse. The Second Edition, Corrected, with an Addition of a Sacred Poem on Dives and Lazarus [by John Mason]

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LAZARUS his Petition.

Most Noble Sir, I Humbly Crave,
What Nature doth exact from Me.
I am a Borderer on the Grave,
Half-slain with sharp Necessity.
For Childrens Bread I do not Call;
I do not Ask your Servants Fare;
Only the Sweepings of your Hall
I Beg; And what your Dogs may spare.
Doom Me not, Sir, to Perish at your Gate,
Who may Preserve Me at so cheap a Rate.
For Father Judah's sake some Fragments Give,
I'le serve You at Gods Altars whilest I live.