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Divine Fancies

Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. By Fra: Quarles

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47. On Martha and Mary .

Martha , with ioy, receiv'd her blessed Lord;
Her Lord she welcoms, feasts, and entertains:
Mary sate silent; heares, but speakes no word;
Martha takes all, and Mary takes no paines:
Mary's to heare; to feast him Martha's care is;
Now which is greater, Martha's love, or Mary's?
Martha is full of trouble, to prepare;
Martha respects his good beyond her owne:


Mary sits still at ease, and takes no care;
Mary desires to please her selfe, alone:
The pleasure's Maryes; Martha's all the care is;
Now which is greater, Martha's love, or Maryes?
Tis true; Our blessed Lord was Martha's Guest;
Mary was his; and, in his feast, delighted:
Now which hath greater reason to love best,
The bountifull Invitor, or th'invited?
Sure, both lou'd well; But Mary was the detter,
And therfore should, in reason, love the better:
Marye's was spirituall; Martha's love was carnall;
T'one kist his hand; The other, but the Glove:
As far as mortall is beneath eternall,
So far is Martha's lesse then Marye's love:
How blest is he, Great God, whose hart remembers
Marye's to Thee; and Martha's to thy Members!