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A garden of graue and godlie flowers

Sonets, elegies, and epitaphs. Planted, polished, and perfected: By Mr. Alexander Gardyne

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VPON THE DEATH OF THE WORSHIPFULL M. Alex. Cheyn Commisser of Aber.

VPON THE DEATH OF THE WORSHIPFULL M. Alex. Cheyn Commisser of Aber.

Now now, at last, and nought, while now haue I,
Put a Catastroph, to this course of cair,
World, Flesh, and Feind, your forces J defie,
Your works are wrought, your mights may nowe no mair,
Now I am quit, and from your cummers clair,
Graue, Hell, and Sinne, your powers J despise,
Death is the dore, through Faith ye step, and stair,
That makes my soule, mount, sore, and skall the skies,
Albeit the bones, left here consuming lies,
Yet certainly, J am assur'd they shall,
To rest and ring, in their Redeemer rise,
Since Sathan, Sinne, the graue, death, hell and all,
That Lyon strong, and yet a louing Lamb,
Tryumphantly, vpon the crosse o'rcame.