University of Virginia Library

Bejamin growes amaz'd, and does not know
What he should doe, nor on what grounds to goe,
Which probably seeme safe: if he should flye
He runnes away unto the Enemy:


And shall he fight: alas! but he will find
It is impossible to fight behind,
Where he shall be assay'ld: yet he shifts ground,
And figures out his battle in a round.
And since he hath no hope to scape away,
Hee'l nobly sell, not give away the day.
They never fought till now, all the whole day
Before, was onely somewhat fiercer Play,
Murder in jest, but now they are so fierce
As if they would inforce their swords to pierce
Beyond the body; this a while, at length
Despaire does yeeld the victory to strength;
And Fortune (that the world henceforth might find
That they had injur'd her who call'd her blind)
Crownes the best side, and providently tryes
At once to prove their Conquest, and her Eyes.