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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 52. Quid gloriaris?

Ad Præstantem, Maschil Davidis. Cùm veniret Doeg Idumæus, & nunciaret Sauli, ac diceret illi, Venit David in domum Achimelec.


Why dost thou, Tyrant, mischiefe boast,
how much thou canst procure?
Gods mercy (doe thy worst and most)
doth daily yet endure.



Thy tongue of evill doth entreat,
which forth thy falshood puts:
As thou with doing of deceit,
so sharp no razor cuts.


At evill more than good to reach,
thy earnest love is bent;
And then on Justice is thy speech,
on falshood rather spent.


To speake all words that may devoure,
thy lewd desire doth long,
To swallow up, where thou hast power,
O thou deceitfull tongue.


For ever thee shall God destroy,
and from thy dwelling place,
From where the living land enjoy,
rend and root out thy race.


And this the Just shall also see,
and seeing this shall feare;
And laugh to scorne the Brave, whom he
thus brought to nought shall heare.


Behold the strong, that of his state,
not God the strength did seat:
Whose trust was in his riches rate,
in evill only great.


I, alwaies like an Olive green,
my growth of daies to spend:
Shall in the House of God be seen,
whose mercy I attend.


Thy deeds my praises shall proclaime
in publike evermore:
And patiently expect thy Name
so good, thy Saints before.