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Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes

Newly written by Barnabe Googe

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The Aunswere of L. Blundeston to the same.

The Aunswere of L. Blundeston to the same.

This Mirrour left
of this thy Byrde I fynde,
Hath not suche force,
to enter in the Hert,
To roote away,
Unthankefulnes of minde,
As others haue,
the Uertues to peruert,
(so prone we are to Uice:)
The Tenche by kynd,
hath Salue for euery Soore,
And heales the may-
med Pike in his dystresse,

The Churlysh Pike
for Gentlenes therfore,
In his rewarde,
doth cruellye expresse.
His murdring mynde,
his fylthy spotted fayth,
When hungre prickes
to fyll his gredye Iawes,
He grypes his poore
Chyrurgion vnto death.
Who late to hym
of lyfe was onely cause.
Thy Merlians haue
fewe Ayryes in our ground
But Pikes haue Spawnes
good stoore in euery Pound