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The Golden Fleece

Divided into three Parts, Under Which are discouered the Errours of Religion, the Vices and Decayes of the Kingdome, and lastly the wayes to get wealth, and to restore Trading so much complayned of. Transported from Cambrioll Colchos, out of the Southermost Part of the Iland, commonly called the Newfoundland, By Orpheus Iunior [i.e.William Vaughan], For the generall and perpetuall Good of Great Britaine

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[From painting of the Trinitie]
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[From painting of the Trinitie]

S. George.
From painting of the Trinitie
From iesting with high Maiestie,
From th' Alcoran and Papistry,
From Brokers rotten Tapistry.
From deepe Mysteries too holy:
From mad Fits and Melancholy;
From Iesuits Monkes, and Friers:
From Hypocrites, Knaues and Liers.
From trusting Saints, distrusting God
From feeling of his wrath and rod.
From Romes Pardons, Bulls and Masses:
From Wine Lees, and broken Glasses.
From Sale of Soules, and Heauens Gifts;
From Beades and bables, Whoorish shifts.
From wounding Christ on Gods right hand:
From grounding Faith vpon the sand.
From parting thence by any way
His Bodie plac't vntill Doomesday.
From condemning sacred Marriage:
From secret shrift, and lustfull rage.
From Trust to Merits, except Christs
From Iuglers trickes and Antichrists.
Our Christs great Genius
Blesse and defend vs.

S. Andrew.
From blaming things indifferent:
From working in our Faith a rent.


From a selfe-will'd rash Puritane,
As from a Foole, or Mauritane.
From him that railes against a Cope,
And yet would be his Parish Pope.
From ingrossing from a Brother
Goods or Charge due to another.
From many Offices alone,
Or Benefices more then One.
From causing Scandall to my Place,
Vsurping much with shamelesse face.
From Clergy-men non Residents:
From such as shew ill Presidents.
From slie Pick-locks, and Cut-purse Kniues:
From stealing Honey from Bee-hiues.
From flaunting in anothers Coat,
Like Æsops Daw, preaching by roat,
From Dancing on the Sabaoth Day:
From shewing Youth lewd Cupids way.
Our Sauiours Genius
Shield and protect vs.

S. Dauid.
From swallowing Law with greedie throat:
From tearing Christ his seamelesse Coat.
From selling Christ for Earthly drosse;
From wealth gain'd by good Christians losse.
From Iudges sentence after Sacke:
From Thunder, Tempests, and Sea-wracke.
From those, which Plaintiffes most approue;
As from Munkeyes, which Spiders loue.
From Lawes, which wrest the Sickmans staffe:
From Swine, which eate more Foule then draffe.


From letting Lawyers haue their wils:
From Scammonie made into Pils.
From hirelings Tongues, and Make-bates hisse,
Betraying Law with Iudas kisse.
From a corrupted stately Iudge,
Which makes good Clients moyle and drudge.
From Magistrates too insolent:
From needlesse Courts impertinent.
From them which speake not what they thinke;
Which blame small faults, at greater winke.
From Iudges vpstart late from Clownes:
From Serpents stings, or Tyrants frownes.
The Worlds bright Genius
Keepe and defend vs.

S. Patrick.
From hired Spies, and hidden Foes,
More dangerous then any woes.
From Leaders young, or too too Old:
From Souldiers knowne of nature Cold.
From Butchers, which mans bloud doe spill:
From sparing those, whom God bids, kill.
From a Commander meanly borne:
From reaping Tares insteed of Corne.
From hopes in Captaines not belou'd;
From ordring Bees, when they are mou'd.
From meeting Straglers night or day
Left vnprouided by the way.
From Souldiers tumults, taunts, and quips,
If long vnpaid in Forts or Ships.
From Leaders without stratagems;
From letting Hogs haue precious Gems.
From a Leader too out-ragious:


From a Captaine not couragious.
From filthy moores and Irish bogs,
From Scottish mists and English fogs.
Discretions Genius
Shield and preuent vs.

S. George.
From Spanish Pensions, and their Spies:
From weeping Cheese with Argus eyes,
From slumbring long in carelesse Peace:
From dreaming oft of curelesse ease.
From fond Maskes, and idle mumming:
From fain'd Playes and causelesse drumming.
From preferring Peace with danger
Before iust Warre, wrongs reuenger.
From suffering Foes to triumph still;
From letting Sathan haue his will.
From falling from Saint Michaels armes,
Not taking heed by others harmes.
From puffing vp proud Giants growne:
From pulling Dauids courage downe.
From louing Money more then God;
From keeping Beanes within the cod.
From disbursing needfull treasure,
To maintayne phantastick pleasure.
From greasing Lawyers hands with Gold,
Which better serues to keepe a Hold.
From fostring Suites (O poys'nous Toad)
For Money, which ends Warres abroad.
From those men, which sue Protections
To shrowd their lewd shrewd Defections.
Great Brittaines Genius
Guard and restore vs.


S. Andrew.
From Iesuits old conuerted,
As from Brownists young peruerted.
From the Simony of a Priest;
From Mills, which spoyle the Owners griest.
From glorying in an outward Robe:
From tainting Faith. The Saints Wardrobe.
From a Priest, that couets money;
From a Bee-hiue without Honey,
From Preachers, which to Pride encline,
Or from old plainnesse may decline.
From those, which in silke Robes doe ruffle,
Which more for Goods then Good doe scuffle.
From such as liue vpon the lurch,
Like Dogs and Hogs within the Church.
From men, whose wits lie in their beards;
From Goats, and all such impious heards.
From the Bibles false construction,
As from ruine and destruction.
From all Æquiuocation,
With mentall reseruation.
From Romes Charmes and Babels Ballets:
From Lumbards bits and Spanish Sallets.
Our Christian Genius,
Saue and protect vs.

S. Dauid.
From Westminster Hals Out-laries:
From causelesse long vagaries.
From meeting strong Competitours:
From Iudges growne Sollicitours.
From contesting with Superiours,
Or despising our Inferiours,


From contending with our Equals,
Procuring anger, blowes, or brawles.
From crossing men in their disputes;
From losing loue, and Friends salutes:
From angring Lords, or Court Minions:
From selfe-will and wits opinions.
From Law-suits worse, then Spanish Poxe,
As bad as Hornes, or Widowes boxe.
From ignorant Clerkes and Deacons;
From seeing of fired Beacons.
From angring God with Cup or Can:
From drinking more, then serues one man.
From keeping Drunkards company:
From Agues, Coughes, or Timpany.
From Ale-houses, Bowling Allies;
From Bulls Pizzles, and Spaines Gallies.
Sweet vertues Genius
Blesse, shield, and saue vs.

S. Patrick.
From all Actions, which are euill;
From vaine shewes, the Flesh, and Deuill.
From all State Reason hatcht in Spaine,
Which will doe wrong, and wrong maintaine.
From bloudy Clements cursed Knife,
That sought to spoyle his Souereignes life.
From Rauiliacks damned Dagger:
From Iesuits, that will swagger.
From Forraigne Foes inuasions:
From Papisticall perswasions.
From them, which make free Christians slaues.
Ambitious Dons with Moorish braues.


From sudden Insurrections:
From poysoned Confections.
From the Spanish Inquisition:
From want of good Munition.
From false and lewd Conspiracies:
From Rouers and Sea Piracies.
From rampant Nuns now clad in gray:
From Strumpets wholy giu'n to play.
From burning baits and Sinnes desire;
As from the smoke of Sea-coale fire.
Our Sauiours Genius
Saue and defend vs.

S. George.
From carrying Coine out of this Land
Without the which it cannot stand.
From Wares and Bils of Bankers strange,
Except we cloth and fish exchange.
From bringing backe the Foxes Taile
For many Skins sold by retaile.
From priuate Gaine by publicke losse:
From comming home by weeping Crosse.
From wasting Woods for Timber fit;
From Troians too late after wit.
From high Sayles, and costly Coaches:
From Pickpurse Drugs, and much Loches.
From all Tobaccoes stinking fume:
From a foule breath, and store of Rheume.
From wearing Gold or Siluer-lace,
While Dearth and Warres rush on apace.
From Meate and Drinke seru'd in much Plate,
When Penury afflicts the State.


From such, as English Carzey slight,
Preferring Spaines Silkes weake and light.
Our States great Genius
Blesse and defend vs.

S. Andrew.
From eating Flesh insteed of Fish:
From hauing Scandall in my dish.
From spending time at Tragedies:
Or hard got Coine at Comedies.
From reading foolish Rimers Bookes,
Or lying Tales, like bayted hookes.
From much Play at Noddy and Trumpe:
As from the Smell of foule ship-pumpe.
From many Horses, Hounds, and Hawkes:
Actæons end, or plots of Faukes.
From idle Tales, Wares, and Fables:
From Primero, Gleeke, and Tables.
From Irish, Lurch, Chance, and Ticktack.
The Boot deseruing or the Racke.
From the Truth maskt in disguises:
From all friuolus surmises.
From Cursing and from Periury:
From Coyning and from Forgery.
From Parasites, Knaues, and Sharkers,
From such Dogs, as are no barkers.
From an Alchymist growne threed-bare:
From much carke, and foolish care
The Heauens high Genius.
Guard and refine vs.

S. Dauid.
From being vnthankfull vnto friends:
From leauing Angels, louing fiends.


From all Physicians Recipes,
Which commonly proue Decipes.
From Physicke at a Papists hand:
From him, which hates his Natiue Land.
From an Emperickes experience:
From a Scriueners straight-lac't Conscience.
From Tauernes, Tables, Cards, and Dice;
From Beggery, bad Name, and Lice.
From boystrous stormes and blustring blasts:
From ships at Sea, which haue no masts.
From Pot-bardhs and Poetasters:
From all vnthrifts, and great wasters.
From them, which dine alwayes in Powles:
From all Carousers in great bowles.
From a Crab-face, which neuer smiles:
From Lawyers full of quirkes and wiles.
From Vsurers, and base Brokers;
From Attourneyes, that be soakers.
From Cut-throat Mercers baits and Bookes:
From Beares, big bugs, and rauenous Rookes.
From womens smiles and tempting lookes:
From Crocodiles and Cheaters hookes.
From a woman, which is franticke:
From a Seruingman Pedantick.
From too much sweat and trudging toyle,
As from a Lampe without some Oyle.
Heauens bright Genius
Shield and preuent vs.

S. Patrick.
From Vagabonds, Knaues, and Gypsies:
From Comets and Sunnes Eclipses.


From bloudie Surgeons, that would purge vs:
From cruell Iudges, that would scourge vs.
From a young Physicians Physicke;
From the Lungs, Consumption, Tisick.
From brain-sicke Louers fond Conceits:
From coozening Pedlers strange deceits.
From Coughes, Blindnesse, and Vertigo:
From Biles, Tetters, and Serpigo.
From all Poxes and the Meazels;
From a House too full of Weazels.
From the Plague and putrid Feuer
Blesse me, Lord, and keepe me euer.
From the Scuruie, Crampe, and Itches,
From Bone-aches, and sore Stiches.
From the Gout, the Stone and Collicke;
Which some hinder to be frollicke.
From numme Palsies, and pale Dropsies;
From secret Griefes and Pleurisies.
From scabbed hands and foule Blisters:
From Purgations and much Glisters.
From Gluttonie and Drunkennesse
Causing these, and eu'ry sicknesse.
True Physicks Genius.
Conuert and heale vs.

S. George.
From Seruingmen without good parts:
From feeding such fit for dung-carts.
From Lubbers that will eate and drinke,
Doing nothing else, but lie and stinke.
From rude Carters, and raw Saylers;
From Quick-sands, and Bedlem-Raylers.


From Bonds for Debts, or Indentures;
As from perillous Aduentures.
From one that feares to tame a Scold:
From a Coward and a Cuckold.
From proud Ladies vse of Pattens:
From the Popes and Paris Mattens.
From those which scorne their Countries tire,
And to Out-landish bend, like Wire.
From those, which long for each trifle.
And their Husbands Purses rifle.
From those, which hunt for curious cheere,
Chicken Peepers, and Phesants deere.
From Ladies vse of waters hot;
From pimpled faces, and teeths rot.
From them, which loue themselues alone;
Or such, as loue more Mates then one.
From a woman, thats wont to friske:
From Wine, which tasts not liuely brisk.
Our Soules bright Genius
Diuert and keepe vs.

S. Andrew.
From Mens long locks, and Maids cut haire;
From these with points, those painted faire.
From Citizens like Gallants drest:
From Apes vngrac't, and so vnblest.
From things, Scandall which engender;
Geese with Ganders changing gender;
From Periwickes and curled lockes:
From Womanizers, and Smel-smockes.
From Newfangles, and Fond-fashions;
From fooles fancies, and wild Passions.


From setting Maids to Dancing Schooles,
Or Musicke much, to make them Fooles.
From a Cockney shallow-headed,
Tells not what legs a Sheepe hath dead.
From gazing on a Beauteous skin:
From a faire Apple, foule within.
From kissing much a Damsell sweet,
Though for a Pope a morsell meet.
From sucking on a lickrish bait:
From making crooked what is strait.
From faire Gazers out at Casements;
From false Mistresses embracements.
From Slanders cutting worse then Swords;
From bawdy Iests, and beastly words.
The Starres faire Genius
Saue and direct vs.

S. Dauid.
From lulling in a Ladies lap,
Like a great Foole, which longs for pap.
From Time ill spent, and vaine Repute:
From Apple-trees without some fruit.
From Faith without wrought Charitie;
From false pretending Pietie.
From loue of Pelfe and worldly wealth,
Not carking most for my Soules health.
From Siluer Pictures loue or Gold;
From fancying Earth, when I am old.
From buying Lands Old and cruell;
From losing Heauen, gayning Hell
From Diues fare, and hardned mind;
While Lazarus with hunger's pin'd.


From tumbling in a downy bed,
While Godlier men for cold lie dead.
From Misers, and those greedy Elues,
Which loue no Creatures but themselues.
From wishing Neighbours lazie bones,
When Hiues are full, to play the Drones.
From sneaking like a Snaile at home;
When Forraigne Climes yeeld elbow rome;
From them which hate Plantations:
From Sathans combinations.
Our Christ's bright Genius
Blesse and reforme vs

S. Patrick.
From a faire House which seldome smoakes,
While the Owner in Riot soakes.
From slauish prodigalitie:
From miserable frugalitie.
From a Cloake that's full of patches:
From a Hen which neuer hatches.
From seeing Elues or strange Monsters;
Or those men my mind misconsters.
From those which causlesse doe arrest vs.
When we would gladly sit and rest vs.
From such sights make vs amazed:
From a Chamber not well glazed.
From rude people in a furie:
From a false and partiall Iurie.
From Almanacks false predictions:
From th' Exchange and Currents fictions.
From White Spaniards, or Red headed:
From all Women which are bearded.


From Black-haird Women, stubborne proud:
From Little Deuils scolding loud.
From the Faire-snouted held for Fooles;
From all long slow-backs, idle tooles.
From Red-hair'd Foxes, closely bad:
From pale and leane, too peeuish sad.
The Worlds great Genius,
Blesse and defend vs.