University of Virginia Library


Sonetto. 25.

[If Argus, with his hundred eyes, did watch]

If Argus, with his hundred eyes, did watch
In vaine, when oft loue did his cunning blynde:
Who doubtes but shee that meanes to make a match?
For to performe both time and place can finde.
And to abridge a woman of her will,
Is to powre oyle in fier, to quench the flame:
For then far more she is inclined still,
(Though once despis'd) agayne to seeke the same.
Loue doth commaund, and it must be obayde;
The sacred deitie of the god is much,
Whose maiestie makes louers oft afrayde,
That to his shrine with bended knee they crutch.
This is the cause, let women beare no blame,
Who would not play if they did like the game.