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The Crown of Empire how supreme a lot!
The Sultan's Throne how lofty! Yea, but not


For All—None but the Heaven-ward foot may dare
To mount—The head that touches Heaven to wear!—
When the Beloved of Royal augury
Was rescued from the bondage of Absál,
Then he arose, and shaking off the dust
Of that lost travel, girded up his heart,
And look'd with undefilèd robe to Heaven.
Then was his Head worthy to wear the Crown,
His Foot to mount the Throne. And then The Sháh
From all the quarters of the World-wide realm
Summon'd all those who under Him the ring
Of Empire wore, King, Counsellor, Amír;
Of whom not one but to Salámán did
Obeisance, and lifted up his neck
To yoke it under His supremacy.
Then The Sháh crown'd him with the Golden Crown,
And set the Golden Throne beneath his feet,
And over all the heads of the Assembly,
And in the ears of all, his Jewel-word
With the Diamond of Wisdom cut, and said:—