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Or Loves Sacrifice. A Divine Poem. Written by E. B. Esq; Several Parts thereof set to fit Aires by Mr J. Jenkins

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Projection to my Soul! Thy Sight's a Wreath
Of Glory; Thou dost Virtue breath;
Thy Words, like sacred Incense, Fuel, & Flame bequeath.


Thou Maid of Honour in Heav'ns Court! to break
Thy Gold-twist Lines shews Judgment Weak;
Yet deign to hear my Suit; Of GODS hid Nature speak!


Can Counters sum up Infinite? Fond Man,
Could'st grasp whole Oceans in thy Span,
And Phœbus could'st out-face in his Meridian;



Tear Rocks of Adamant, and scale the Wall
O'th' glorious Empyræan Hall;
And Worms to Super-Eminence of Seraphs call!


Yet This, ev'n then, thou could'st nor learn, nor teach:
The World, unravell'd, cannot stretch
To sound th' Abysse. It Self alone It Self can reach.


Of all Intelligencies not all Light
Mustred into one Optick Sight,
Can speak what each where is, yet no where seen to th' Height!


Who out of Nothing all Things did compact;
Whose Will's His Work, whose Word his Act:
Of Whom, who say's the most, must from His Worth detract?


How from the Essence the Creator flowes!
Or how the Word, what Creature knowes!
How th' Spirit, All in't, All from't, do's Heav'ns Assembly pose!


Here they, who leave the Churches Ship, are tost
Till irrecoverably lost!
Whose Rudder is Gods Word, Steersman, th' Holy Ghost.


Archessence! Thou, Self-full! Self-Infinite!
Residing in approachlesse Light!
In the Incomprehensibilities of Height!


Thy peerlesse uncreated NATURE is
The Super-Excellence of BLISSE!
Where Holiness & Pow'r; where Truth & Goodness kiss!



Who only in THY SELF subsists, without
Or Form, or Matter! yet, no doubt,
Inform'st the Matter of the Universe throughout!


No Need compels THEE, no Disasters sad
Disturb thy State, no Mirth makes glad;
Oblivion takes not from THEE, nor can Mem'ry adde!


With prudent Rev'rence, Thus. What ere's in GOD,
His Essence is; There's His ABode;
Whose Will his Rule, whose Heav'n his Court, whose Hell his Rod.


He exists an active ENS, uphoulding both
It Self, and every Thing that doth
Exist; without distinction or of Parts, or Growth!


Not made by Nothing, Nothing Nothing makes;
Nor Birth from any Thing HE takes;
For, what gives Birth, precedes: Springs usher in their Lakes.


Were He Material, then He local were;
All Matter be'ing in Place; So, there
Th' Incircumscriptible would circumscrib'd appear.


He's so diffusive, that He's All in All!
All in the Universall Ball!
All out of It! The only Was, the Is, the Shall.


To help thy Reason, think of Air; there see
Ubiquitie unseen, and free
From Touch; Inviolable, though it pierced be.



Meer Air corrupts not, though conveigh'd unto
All Lungs; for, thither It does go
To cool them; Quickneth All, as the Worlds Soul doth show:


Moysture and Heat, its Qualities, are Cause
Of all Production: yet, because
This Element's a Creature, GOD Creator pause.


Self-Life the Attribute of's Being is!
His Will, of Governing! and His
Command of Execution! and his Love of Blisse!


All's ty'd in this Love-knot: JEHOVAH's Love.
Times Birth the Trinitie do's prove:
Creator made, Word spake, & Spirit of GOD did move:


Let us in our own Image Man create.
Which, Salomon do's explicate;
Remember the Creators in thy youthful State.


The Father spake, the Son i'th' Stream did move
At his Baptizing; from Above
The Holy Ghost descended in the Form o'th' Dove.


Of Him, to Him, and through Him all Things be:
Of, through, and to declare the Three;
And in the HIM, the Unity of GOD we see.


Thus Holy, Holy, Holy's nam'd, to show
A Ternion we in Union know:
The Notions issuing from the Trine, int' One do flow.



Whil'st that I think on THREE, I am confin'd
To One! while I have One in Minde,
I am let forth to Three! Yet Three in One combin'd!


O, Inconceivable INDENTITIE!
In One how may a Plural be!
Coæqual both in Attributes, and Majestie!


The FATHER is true GOD i'th TERNION:
The WORD unborn, yet after Son:
The SPIRIT GOD Coessential; Three, cause Three from One!


The Father & Word are One! One, shews their Power:
Are, distinct Persons. One does shour
On Tritheits Vengeance: Are, does Arrians devour.


One, yet not One! The Father and the Son
In Persons two, from Father one
By th' SPIRIT; Son is one by Resignation!


The Word is what He was; yet, once was not
What now He is! for, He hath got
A Nature more then once He had, to cleanse our Spot!


For, ne're had Man from Earth to Heav'n attain'd,
Had GOD from Heav'n to Earth not deign'd
His Son! now unto GOD Mans way by Man is gain'd!


EQUAL, and Son, the form of Servant takes!
The World, unmade by Sin, new makes!
EQUAL, Son, Servant! All are Mysteries, not Mistakes!



Thus, by free Grace is Mans Defection heal'd:
Behold the Mysterie reveald.
WORD, Æqual; shado'wing, Son; Unction is Servant seal'd!


Because GODS ÆQUAL, Serpents Tempts are quell'd:
Yet He, as Son, to Death must yeeld
For us; by Resurrection to regain the Field.


The SPIRIT is true GOD; from Ever He
Did reign with Both! The TRINITIE
Coequal, Coeternal, Coessential be!


The FATHER's full, though th' SON hath All engrost!
Nor yet is ought of this All lost,
Though th' FATHER give Him Self to th' SON by th' HOLY GHOST!


For, though He freely thus give All his Store;
Yet hath He Infinite, as before!
Conceive for Glimps some endless Spring, or Mine of Ore!


What Soul will have this TRIAD for his Book,
With Faith must on the Back-parts look,
For, with His glorious FACE, blind are ev'n Seraphs strook!


By Speculation from Sols Substance, we
The FATHER; from its Splendor see
The SON; from's Heat the HOLY GHOST. Here, One is Three.


The Intellect, the Memory, the Will
Resemblance make o'th' TRINE; These fill
One Soul, yet are distinct in outward Workings still!



Thus, to restore from Fall, we may descrie
Inscrutable ABYSSE rebates our weaker Eye!


Be Ever-Ever-Ever blest, ô, TRINE!
Ever Unitednesse divine!
Who dost as well in Ants, as in Archangels shine!


The Principats, Thrones, Dominations, all
Archangels, Pow'rs Cœlestial
Are Ministers attending on thy Soveraign Call!


The Government 'bove Star-embroidred Hall,
Thus truly is Monarchicall,
Where All are Kings, and yet one King does rule Them All!


Lesse then the thousand Part I have exprest;
Mans Weaknesse cannot bear the Rest.
For thy Expresselesse Nature, LORD, be ever blest!


Soul of all Sweets! my Love, Life, Joy and Bliss!
To enjoy Thee's Heav'n! Hell Thee to misse!
What's Earths! Ev'n Heav'n hath its Beatitude from This!


Remove the Needle from the Pole-Star, and
'Tis still with trembling motion fann'd,
Till it returns. No Fixure but in GOD does stand.


To Saints all other Objects prizelesse be;
In GOD, the All of All, we see:
Feast to the Taste, all Beauty to the Sight is He!



Musick to th' Ear; and Those whom He unites,
Partake with Him in high'st Delights!
Spring-tides of Pleasures over-whelm their ravisht Sprites!


But, Contraries, when opposite, best show,
(As Foils set Diamonds off, we know)
See Hell, where Caitives pine, yet still their Tortures grow!


As Metals fierie Waves in Furnace swell,
That Founders run, to cast each Bell;
This, not endur'd; more Rage ten thousand Times is Hell!


Where Souls still rave, adust with horrid Pain!
They tug, they tear, but all in vain,
For, them from raging Smart, Hope never shall unchain!


O, that for trash these Esaus sold their Blisse!
For Sin, that worse than Nothing is!
This desperates their Rage! How they blaspheme at This


This Viper clings, corrodes, 'gainst which no Ward!
GODS Beatifick Sight debarr'd,
Renders their Case, 'bove all the Pains of Sense more hard!


O, never-sated Worm! unpity'd Woes!
Unintermitted! what Sin owes,
Hell payes! The Damn'd are Anvils to relentless Blowes!


Fiends forfeit not their Energie. There Cain
Fries, but for one Lamb by him slain!
O, what Flames then shall Butchers of Christs Flock sustain?



Earths fatal Mischief, prosp'rous Thief, that Thunder
Which tore the Nations all asunder,
Whom Just Fate slew, i'th' Worlds Revenge, that conqu'ring Wonder,


That Ghost of Philips hot-brain'd Son may tell
Heart-breaking Stories of his Hell!
Too late He findes one Soul did his whole World excel!


There, curs'd Oppressors dreadful Rackings feel!
Whose Hearts were Rocks, and Bowels Steel!
O, scorching Fire! (cryes Dives) for one Drop I kneel!


Oblig'd is Man, GODS Steward, to supply
Brethren, in CHRIST Coheirs, who lie
Gasping in stiff'ning Frosts, no Cov'ring but the Skie:


Whose wither'd Skins, sear as the saplesse Wood,
Cleave to their Bones, for want of food,
Seem Natures Monsters thrown a Shoar by Mis'ries Flood.


Though all their Physick's but a Diet spare;
Have no more Earth, than what they are,
Nor more o'th' World, than Graves, yet in Heav'ns Love they share.


Inestimable Love, from None bereav'n!
Heav'n sunk to Earth, Earth mounts to Heav'n!
Just Judge! to Dives Hell, to Laz'rus Heav'n is giv'n!


Love, Disengage us of our selves! Love has
Nor Bit, nor Reins! Rich, 'bove Earths Mass!
Fixt in Idæas of Loves Soul-inliv'ning Grace!



O, Love! ô Height, above all Height, to Thine!
Thy Favour did to Foes encline!
Unmeasurable Measure! endlesse End of Line!


Love darts all Thoughts to its Belov'd; doth place
All Blisse in waiting on His Grace;
It languisheth with Hope to view Him Face to Face!


And ushers in that Beatifick Love,
Which so divinely flames Above,
And doth to Vision, Union, and Fruition move!


Ice is a thing distinct from th' Ocean wide;
But, melted by the Sun, does glide
Into't, becomes one with't, and so shall e're abide.


Desire's a Tree, whose Fruit is Love, the Show'rs
That ripen it are Tears, the Flow'rs
Are Languors, Leaves Afflictions, Blossoms Pray'r-spent How'rs.


O, Mental Pray'r, thy Joyes are high! Resort
By Thee's to GOD! Thou art the Port
Of inward Peace from Storms! The Path to Sions Court!


By Pray'r GOD's serv'd betimes; Remember Who
The Blessing got by Wrastling so;
Who early pray, they healthy, holy, happy grow.


Then pray, before Lights rosie Blush displayes
I'th' Orient Sols enchearing Rayes,
When He from's Opall East to West oblikely strayes:



Before the Cock, Lights Herald, Day-break sings
To's Feathr'ie Dames; ere roost-Lark springs,
Morns Usher; when the Dawn its mungrell hour forth brings.


Pray'r, Thou art Lifes best Act, Souls silent Speech,
The Gate of Grace; Saints GOD beseech
By Prayer, but joyn'd with Alms & Fasts they HIM besiege!


Fasting, the Souls delicious Banquet, can
Adde Strength to Pray'r, feast th' inner Man,
And throw up to Eternity the Bodies Span!


Fasts, sackcloth, ashes, groveling on the ground
Saints study'd have with Pain, and found
VVith Joy, that what degrades the Sense, in Heav'n is crow'nd!


Prize Faith, the Shield of Martyrs, Joyes Confection,
Souls Light, the Prophets sure Direction,
Hopes Guide, Salvations Path, the Pledge of all Perfection!


In Faiths mysterious Eden make abode;
VVith Jacobs Staff, and Aarons Rod
Frequents its Grove, where none are but the Lov'd of GOD!


The Radiations of Faiths Lamp excite
Such a Colosse of sparkling Light,
That Saints, through worldly Waves may steer Lifes Course aright.


Being in, not of this World, They Comforts rear
Above the Pitch of servile Fear:
Terrestrial Blossoms first must die, ere Fruit They bear.



No clogging Fetters of impris'ning Clay,
No wry-mouth squint-ey'd Scoff can stay
Their swift Progression, soaring in their Heav'nly Way!


Thoughts on the endlesse Weight of Glory shall
Render ev'n Crowns, as Dung, and all
Afflictions light, as Chaffe chas'd on Earths empty Ball.


The Torch that shines in Night, as Eye of Noon,
Is but as Darkenesse to the Sun:
Run after Shades, they fly; fly after Shades, they run.


All worldly Gayes are Reeds, without Support,
Fitly with Rain-bow gleames they sort,
Want Solidnesse; when gain'd, they are as false, as short.


While Fooles, like silly Larkes, with Feathers play,
And stoop to th' Glasse, are twitcht away,
Amidst their pleasing Madnesse, to Hels dismall Bay!


O, could embody'd Soules Sinnes Bane view well,
Rather in Flames they'd choose to dwell!
Not so much Ill, as Sin, have all the Paines of Hell!


A smiling Conscience (wrong'd) does sweetly rest,
Though starv'd abroad, within doth feast;
Has Heav'n It self for Cates, has GOD Him Self for Guest!


May call Him FATHER; His Vicegerent be!
An Atome of DIVINITIE!
Redeem'd by's SON, by the SPIRIT, inspir'd, blest by ALL THREE!



His Judge becomes his Advocate! hath Care
To plead for Him! The Angels are
His Guardians! from his GOD Him Heights, nor Depths may scare.


O, Blest, who in His Courts their Dayes do spend!
And on that Soveraign Good depend!
His Word, their Rule; his Spirit, their Light; Him Self their End!


While Pride of Life, and Lust o'th' Eye do quite
Dazle the World, Saints out of Sight
Retire, to view their Blisse: On which some Canto's write:


For Souls, sincerely good, in humble Cell
Encloystred, neer Devotions Bell,
By Contemplations Groves and Springs neer Heav'n do dwell.


Bright-gifted soaring Mindes (though Fortune trod)
Are carelesse of dull Earths dark Clod;
Enricht with higher Donatives; their Prize is GOD!


Farewell. As vanisht Lightning then She flies.
O, how in Me did Burnings rise!
The only Discord was Farewell. Hearts out-reach Eyes.


The Air respires those quintessential Sweets
From whence She breath'd, and who so meets
With Such, the tuneful Orbs He in that Zenith greets.


Dwell on This Joy, my Thoughts, re-act her Part;
Such Raptures on thy shuddering Heart
Make Thee all-Ecstasie by Spirit-seizing Art!



Chewing upon those Heav'n-enchanting Strains,
My Soul Earths giddy Mirth disdains;
Fleet Joy runs Races in my Blood through thousand Veins!