University of Virginia Library



Welcome is the morning light,
To the trav'ller faint and weary;
Or the rising queen of night,
Cheering his journey long and dreary.
But far more welcome, far more dear,
Than rising moon, or op'ning morning,
Are Friendship's smile, and Pity's tear,
The face of Truth itself adorning.
Welcome are sweet beds of flowers,
Where the bees collect their gains;
Welcome are refreshing showers,
When the burning dog star reigns.
But far more welcome, far more dear,
Than rain to earth, or flower to bee,


Are Friendship's smile, and Pity's tear,
When beaming on, or shed for me.
Soothing is the water falling,
To the sad and pensive breast;
Gentle is the ring dove's calling,
To his partner on the nest.
But far more soothing, gentle, dear,
Than ring dove's notes or purling stream,
Are Friendship's smile, and Pity's tear,
From those we tenderly esteem.