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A song for our Benny, our fine five-year-older,
Our imp of all mischief and fun,
With plump little arm and with pink little shoulder
And ringlets that rival the sun.
A song for our Benny who never is quiet,
Our wild, unrestrainable lad,
The spirit of clamor and frolic and riot,
The vixen of all that is bad.
A song for our Benny, and grave be the verses
Wherein his dark deeds we enroll;
How right from his heart he abominates nurses
And grandly disdains their control.
A song for our Benny, tormentor of Baby,
A true household terror, I vow;
So bad that one shudders to think what he may be,
A Nero in petticoats now.
A song for our Benny, whose bad acts are thirty
To one that is good, all declare;
With face and with hands irreclaimably dirty,
And tangled, uncombable hair.


A song for our Benny; 't is certain we owe him
A whipping—that matter 's quite clear;
And yet ... I defy any mortal to know him
And not fall in love with the dear!