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The sons of Usna

a tragi-apotheosis, in five acts

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Before Eman. Shouts without. Enter Cuchullan, Fergus, and Conal Carnach, attended by Soldiers marching to triumphant music, bearing trophies.
Victory! Victory! from the great Sea of souls,
Rolls, crumbling into thunders as it rolls
On the far-distant Hills that stand to hear,
Redoubling back the shouts with echoes loud—
Till the whole bending Heavens seem filled with clouds
Of stormy joy!

Let us respond to them!
[They shout.
From having charged victorious on the foe,
We now return triumphant home again,
To see the Sons of Usna crowned our Kings—
Jointly to reign as they have jointly fought—
Winning their glory, side by side, with blood,
The noblest ever shed on Eman's Plains—
Baptizing them, before the face of Heaven,
The noblest Champions of immortal fame!
Now let us on to see them crowned! On—on!

[Exeunt omnes to martial music.