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Minions of the Moon

A Little Book of Song and Story

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No ray, no will-o'-wisp, no firefly gleam;
Nothing but night around:
The only sound the sobbing of a stream
Within the hush profound.
Then suddenly the chanting of a bird,
Plaintive, appealing, far—
And in my heart the murmur of a word,
And high in heaven a star.
A star, that shone out suddenly and seemed
A herald of the light,—
The dawn, that cried within me, “Lo! you dreamed
That 'twould be always night!
“If night be here, dawn is not far away,
However dark the sky.
And in the heart whatever doubts betray,
Faith still stands smiling by.
“Put trust in God, and hold to your one aim.
And though it is to be
Failure at last, then let it seem the same
As victory.”