University of Virginia Library


The March recipient of the
Echolballer Award is Daniel
Livingston Frazier - 317. In
recognition of his extraordinary
wall banging ability. Honorable
Mention was awarded to the
Phantom Shitter.

NURSES! Remember UNC
Zoology student at Myrtie.
Decided not to give up after all.
933-8231 collect.

"The Gates of Eden' - candles,
posters jewelry leather,
Psychedelia unlimited. Across from
Sears. "Peace".

ROOMS - Girls for weekends.
Private home, country setting. 10
min. West (Flordon). 293-4668 or
296-7065 after 5 p.m.

NEEDED IMMED.: Used cycle
helmet - Call Mike 295-8373 or
come by 311 Humphrey's.

SUMMER EUROPE: 6/11-8/29.
NY/Lon. R/T $202. - 6/25 - 8/23
NY/Lon - R/T $222 - Cal Va.
Student Flights 293-9485 betw.
10-11 p.m.

Harold Clurman calls the language
of "The Balcony" "as intensely
solid as a classic."

Father Daniel Berrigun's "Trial of
Catonsville Nine" for war protest to
be performed Sunday by guest
troupe 11 a.m. Unitarian Church.

Europe - bound? Need couple to
share VW camp mobile for summer.
Call 296-9811.

3rd Semi-Annual Pic Day: Lem
Marshall Gets It Again! At The
Corner, 1:00 p.m. Sunday.

second edition, tells all. If you want
to know all about construction, oil,
TAPS, fishing, cannery, teaching,
government jobs; the cost of living;
the best time to come; chances for
summer work; unions; further info
sources; we have it all for $3 00
cash or M.O, P.O. Box 1565
Anchorage, Alaska 99501

Wanted - ironing to do in home -
Call Mrs. Massie - will work out
price with you. 295-3546.

PK GERMAN presents Rickie
Havens in Concert, April 16, 8 P.M.
TICKETS at usual places.

The Deadline for entries in the
University Union's Fine Arts
contest will be extended to
Tuesday, April 20, 1971. Due to
requests by the students.