University of Virginia Library



Chess Club - Tournament continues
tonight at 5:00 in N.H. Basement.

Federal Career Day Program - N.H.
Ballroom - 10 A.M. - 4 P.M.

CAVE CLUB — 7:30 in Room 4A
Newcomb Hall.

Class Gift Committee — 7:30 P.M.
in 402 Wilson. All interested degree
candidates welcome.

ODK Initiation — 5 P.M. at the

CONCERT BAND performance at
Lane H.S. Bus leaves behind Cabell
on JPA at 8 and 8:20 A.M.

University Union Thursday Film
Series presents "Who's Afraid of
Virginia Woolf" in Newcomb Hall
Ballroom at 7:00 and 9:30 P.M.
Entrance 75 cents.


M Kelly will speak on "Man's
Activities and the Stability of
Biological Communities" - Sigma Xi
luncheon meeting, 1 P.M., Parlor A,


FOUND: A lunp sum of money -
Name it and claim it for
consideration. 296-1242.

LUTHERANS: Contemporary
Worship and Fellowship. Sun at
5:00 - St. Mark's, Alderman and Ivy
Roads - Bring a friend.

SCUBA Club Meeting - Jan. 12,
7:00 - So. Meeting Rm., N.H. Next
Semester Scuba Lessons discussed.

ACTION 71, Dynamic Christianity
— Dr. Elzings will speak this Sun. -
Transport from Memorial m Lot
5:30 P.M.

VOLUNTEERS: tutoring sessions
this Sat. 10:10 A.M. Usual place.

EXAM - Sat. Jan. 9th - Cooke Hall -
ML16 - 9 A.M. - for information
contact Placement Office.

FOUND: Glasses in black case in
field behind Physics. bldg. claim in
C.D. office.

Alpha Phi Omega Special Election
Meet on Jan. 12, 7 P.M. - Informal
Lounge, N.H.

SUMMER: Travel- Study Abroad -
AIFS Film, Jan. 12, 2 P.M.
Informal Lounge, N.H.

Illuminated Society of the
Flowered Curtain: PLEASE pick up
your check in the yearbook office.

At The Prism - Fri. Dee Kysor,
John Niergaard. Sat. Alan Craig,
Jim Gaunt, Doors open 8:00.

Phi Beta Kappa meets to consider
constitutional revisions January 12,
at 4:00 Cabell Hall 411. All
members urged to attend. Annual
local dues $2.00.

"The list of College students
eligible for Intermediate Honors is
posted outside Cabell Hall 402.
Interested College Students should
consult it and bring any corrections
necessary to the attention of the
College Registrar, Cabell Hall 406.
The Certificates will be awarded on
April 13, 1971."

The ticket office wishes to remind
students that there are only 4200
student seats for basketball. It
appears that all these seats will be
utilized for the South Carolina
game of January 11. When the
student sections are filled further
student entry will be prohibited.

There is also a limited number of
student date tickets available for
this game and these should be
purchased immediately.


One Roles Watch in vicinity of
Engineering School. If found,
please contact Rick Sadler at

Brown Spiral Genetics Notebook,
Titled "Genes" Owner
DESPERATE - Please call Pete
Lefebvre 293-7437.


Student Wives - tel. survey work,
part-full time, weekdays.
Dependable with pleasant voice,
excellent working conditions.
Apply in person. 11 A.M.-7 P.M.
Olan Mill Studio - Barracks Road
Shopping Center.

WORK WANTED: Grad foreign
student - limited funds - willing to
work in any capacity, tutoring
maintenance, etc. Call 293-5650,
ask for Bernard.

RELAX - Exercise. Roller Skating
at Skatetown. Every evening except
Monday, 7:30-10:30. Special late
skate Sat. night, 10:00-1:00 P.M.

WANTED: Western Style Square
Dance Caller. Beginners considered
with use of records. Call 296-8186.

Student Night TONIGHT -
Spectrum East - All Students
admitted FREE - Top rock Band

All Commerce, College, and
Engineering students bring
PENCILS to your classes for
teacher-course evaluation during
the week of Jan. 4-8th.