University of Virginia Library



Prof. C. Sterling will speak on
"Studies in French 15th Century
Painting" in South Meeting Room
of Newcomb Hall.

RAVEN Society meeting at
7:30 in Jefferson Hall. Election of
new members and Raven award
recipients. All please attend.

meeting at 7:30 in room 4A
Newcomb Hall. Guest speaker: Roy
White, candidate for congress. Students
from Lexington, Staunton,
Waynesboro, C'ville, etc. are urged
to attend or call 295-1902 about
7th district picnic Sunday.

STUDENT Council will meet at
7:30 today rather than 7 p.m.

MEETING of Outing Club at
7:30 in room 4C Newcomb Hall.

ALL STUDENTS interested in
working on Va. Spectator business
staff come to room 4B Newcomb
Hall, 2-4 p.m.


Motorcycle Roll to Sweet Briar
Thursday afternoon. Ray in Bowl
at 5 p.m. Sponsored by the Polo

YOUNG Republicans election
meeting at 7:30 p.m.

CHRISTIAN Science org. meeting
at 7:30, 1961 Lewis Mt. Rd.

MEETING of Engineering Council
at 6:30 in room A207 Thornton

CAVALIER Bridge Club meeting
at 7:45 in contract cafeteria,
2nd floor of Newcomb Hall.

CORKS AND CURLS photography
staff meeting in office on
5th floor of Newcomb Hall at
p.m. All persons interested in
working on the 70-71 yearbook
should attend.

CAVE Club meeting at 7:30 in
room 4B Newcomb Hall.

IFC Ring Day, 2.5 p.m., IFC

THURSDAY movie - Clint
Eastwood in the bloody exciting
western "The Good, the Bad and
the Ugly" at 6:30 and 9:30.
Newcomb Hall, Seventy-five cents.

A. BATSON, director of the
Computer Science Center, will
lecture on Control Cards at the
Advanced Algol meeting at 5 p.m.,
B-23 Gilmer Hall.

AIAA important meeting at
7:30 in A&M Aud. All members
please attend.


Saint Elmo Hall announces the
pledging of A. William McGraw, C.
Mark and Rick J. Deno.

MAY 1 is the deadline for
submitting poetry to English Dept.
for Academy of American Poets

THE RINETTI Prize Comm. has
set May 5 as the deadline for
submitting papers. An award of $50
will be given for the best paper by a
student on Italian culture.

BETA PSI chapter of Sigma
Alpha Mu announces the pledging
of Jerry Berman of Roanoke, Va.

achieved a GPA of 3.5 or above last
semester are eligible for membership
in Phi Sigma. If you are
eligible and were not notified see
Miss D. in 401 Cabell no later than
April 24.

A FEW student tickets remaining
for Restoration Ball. On sale for
$10 a couple at 7 West Lawn.

ALL PEP Band members should
turn in hats, ties and music to
Music Dept., 13 Old Cabell, by