University of Virginia Library


Roommate for summer to share
air conditioned apt., 2 blocks from
Grounds, call 293-6821.

Camp counselors-girls summer
camp in Maine looking for men
counselors for tennis, water skiing
and sailing. Call 293-3730 or
write Box 3427. Charlottesville.

Persons interested in sharing
driving expenses to Mexico City
for school or vacation. Leave Mid-June,
return end July, call Jim,

Riders to Danville this Friday,
call 293-9723.

Night auditor 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
six day week, math background
preferred. Pleasant working conditions;
apply in person Holiday

Ride and delivery to Rochester,
N.Y., for docile Dachshund
with $10, 296-6240.

Good homes needed for beautiful
black Labrador puppies, parents
registered. Call 293-3803 after
6 p.m.