University of Virginia Library


The Graduate Business Wives Club
is trying to establish a babysitting
list. If you are Interested in doing
babysitting at anytime, please call
295-4621 or 977-0014.

Skiers–Vermont Roll. Semester
break. Transportation to/from
University, Great accommodations,
lifts, lessons, meals, entertainment
etc. included. Group rates. Watch
for ads, prices soon.

Bargain–Reserved parking spaces
near University, off Rugby Road.
Call 293-3133.

LSAT Review course, taught by
Attorneys, offering extensive 12
hour review for Dec. 16 LSAT.
December 3 & December 10
(9:00-12:00: 1:30-5:30). $75. If
dissatisfied with results, free
re-enrollment. For registration &
further information call 295-6483
after 10 p.m. weekdays or anytime
weekends or 202-223-1835. Any

Economos Mens' Hair Styles, "Only
the Best", offers complete tonsorial
and styling services for all. Call
293-8422 anytime, or drop by and
place yourself in the hands of

St. Paul's Memorial Church Bazaar
Nov. 18th from noon until 4 p.m.
Sandwich buffet noon until 2:00.
Special features: a men's table. a
magic show for children of all ages,
twelve thirty; and of unusual
interest for sale 3 wooden chess sets
nearly 100 years old.