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I. Philosophy

Philosophy C1: History of Philosophy: Prerequisite: any two "B"
courses listed in this school.
—The lectures trace the development of philosophical
thought from the early Greeks to the middle of the nineteenth century. The
endeavor is made to present the various philosophical systems in their relation
to the civilization of the age in which they belong, and to estimate their social
and political significance.—Professor Lefevre, Mr. Swertfeger.

(Philosophy C1, the History of Philosophy, is prerequisite for all
other C courses in Philosophy.)

Philosophy C2: Empiricism and Rationalism.—A study of Locke, Berkeley,
Hume, Descartes, Malebranche, Spinoza, and Leibnitz. Professors
Balz and Dent.

Philosophy C3: Recent Philosophical Tendencies.—Idealism, with
especial reference to Bradley and Royce; Vitalism, Naturalism, and Realism,
with especial reference to Bergson, Santayana, Whitehead, and Alexander.
Professors Balz and McKeldin.

Philosophy C4: Recent Ethical Theories.—Assistant Professor Dent.


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Philosophy C5: Philosophical Thought and Literary Expression in
Modern Western Culture.
—Assistant Professor McKeldin.

(Phil. C4 and Phil. C5, when taken together, constitute one complete
three hour course. They may, however, be taken separately.)

(One or more of the following courses will be offered each session,
according to the needs of graduate students and in the discretion of the professors
concerned. This work will be under the joint direction of the professors
of philosophy. Admission to the classes on approval. Hours by

Philosophy D1: Plato and Aristotle.

Philosophy D2: Kant and the post-Kantian Development, with especial
reference to Fichte, Schelling and Hegel.

Philosophy D3: Metaphysical Analysis.

Philosophy D4: Seminar in Contemporary Philosophical Discussion.

Note: Every student who desires to become a candidate for the degree
of Doctor of Philosophy in the Corcoran School of Philosophy must pass a
satisfactory examination on the History of Philosophy. This is a prescribed
condition of qualification for candidacy. The examination may be oral,
written, or both, in the discretion of the professors concerned.

II. Psychology

Psychology C1: (Education C1): Advanced General Psychology: Psychology
B1 and one B course in Philosophy prerequisite.
—An intensive study
of fundamental processes and problems, involving a survey of important modern
contributions to psychological literature, with emphasis upon a systematic
formulation of results. To be given in alternate years with Psychology C2.
Professor Ferguson.

Psychology C2: (Education C6): Mental Measurement: Psychology
B1 and one B course in Philosophy prerequisite.
—A study of the more important
mental tests and intelligence scales, of the statistical methods involved in their
use, and of the results obtained. To be given in alternate years with Psychology
Professor Ferguson.

Psychology D1: Admission on approval of the professor in charge.—Advanced
work to meet the needs of individual students. Professor Ferguson.

Summer Quarter 1927

Philosophy sC1-I: History of Philosophy. First Term. Professor

Philosophy sC1-II: History of Philosophy. Second Term. Mr.