University of Virginia Library

A Growing Cause.

In Colorado, when woman suffrage was submitted the first time,
it was defeated; the second time, it was carried by a majority of
6,387. In 1901, after the women had been voting for eight years, the
matter was virtually resubmitted to the people and passed by a
majority of 17,000.

In Kansas, the first time it was submitted it got only 9,100 votes;
the second time it got 95,302; the third time it got 175,376, and carried.

In the State of Washington, the first time, the majority against it
was 19,386; the second time it was only 9,882, and it was finally carried
in 1910 by a majority of 22,623.

In California, in 1895, the vote stood 110,355, for and 137,099 against
—an adverse majority of 26,744. In 1911, the amendment carried
by a majority of 3,587.

In 1912, three states of the Union gave suffrage to women, a larger
number than ever did so in one year before. In 1913, Illinois and
Alaska have followed suit, and in addition nine State Legislatures


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have given a majority vote of both houses in favor of submitting
the question to the voters—almost three times as many as ever did
so in a single year before.