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[Lord Thy promise we believe]

I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. —xviii. 8.

Lord Thy promise we believe,
And confidently pray,
Soon Thou wilt the answer give,
And take our sins away,
Wilt Thy precious Self reveal,
Thine own almighty grace employ,
Satan from our hearts expel,
And all his works destroy.
Wrestling on in ceaseless prayer,
We will not let Thee go;
Saviour, Thy great arm make bare,
Avenge us of our foe;
Us who in Thy name intreat,
Thy church Thou canst not long refuse:
Bruise him now beneath our feet,
The fiend for ever bruise.


Day and night for this we cry,
And will not let Thee rest:
Cast him out, O Lord most high,
And heal our inbred pest.
Deal the' exterminating blow,
Purge out our nature's deepest stains,
Root and branch destroy our foe,
And slay his last remains.
Then our spotless spirits hide,
Till Thou to judgment come,
Claim the widow for Thy bride,
And take Thine exiles home,
Fully vindicate Thine own
Admitted in Thy deed to share,
Seated by Thy righteous throne
To doom the tempter there.