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[Repentance doth with fear begin]

There met Him ten men that were lepers. —xvii. 12.

Repentance doth with fear begin,
We feel the baseness of our sin,
Not bold salvation to demand,
Or snatch the grace out of His hand,
Not worthy before God to' appear,
We come, yet tremble to draw near.
Foul lepers, by ourselves abhorr'd,
Ashamed to meet an holy Lord,


Our nature's loathsomeness we feel,
Our heart and life deserving hell,
And cry with lifted voice aloud,
Immeasurably far from God.
Saviour of men, to Thee we cry,
Whose blood was shed to bring us nigh,
Apply it, Lord, to purge our sin,
To make our filthy conscience clean;
Thy love infuse, Thy mercy show,
And wash the lepers white as snow.