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[“But if you needs must work before]

Doth he thank that servant because he did, &c. —xvii. 9.

But if you needs must work before,
Salvation is of works, not grace:”
Not so; if Christ supplies the power
For my imperfect services,
And gives me on Himself to' attend,
Labouring and suffering to the end.
No thanks to me my Master owes
For works which He Himself hath wrought;
Grace only the reward bestows
For every gracious word and thought,
And when I His commands have done,
The praise, I trow, is all His own.
I have but done my duty, Lord,
When answering all Thy welcome will,
I cannot speak one boasting word,
But most unprofitable still,
The meanest of Thy servants I,
The chief of sinners live and die.