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[And shall I let Him go?]

And shall I let Him go?
If now I do not feel
The streams of living water flow,
Shall I forsake the well?
Because He hides His face,
Shall I no longer stay,
But leave the channels of His grace,
And cast the means away?


Get thee behind me, fiend,
On others try thy skill,
Here let thy hellish whispers end,
To thee I say, Be still!
Jesus hath spoke the word,
His will my reason is;
Do this in memory of thy Lord,
Jesus hath said, Do this!
He bids me eat the bread,
He bids me drink the wine;
No other motive, Lord, I need,
No other word than Thine.
I cheerfully comply
With what my Lord doth say;
Let others ask a reason why,
My glory is to' obey.
His will is good and just:
Shall I His will withstand?
If Jesus bids me lick the dust,
I bow at His command.
Because He saith, Do this,
This I will always do;
Till Jesus come in glorious bliss,
I thus His death will show.