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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia :

the charter as amended and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole June 6th, 1932, in effect July 15th, 1932

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The Size, Weight, Construction and Equipment
of Vehicles.

Sec. 489(35). Scope and effect of regulations in this

It shall be unlawful and constitute a misdemeanor for any person
to drive or move or for the owner to cause or knowingly
permit to be driven or moved on any highway any vehicle or vehicles
of a size or gross weight exceeding the limitations stated
in this title or any vehicle or vehicles which are not so constructed
or equipped as required in this title or the rules and regulations
of the department adopted pursuant thereto.

Sec. 489(36). Size of vehicle and loads.

(a) No vehicle shall exceed a total outside width, including
any load thereon, in excess of ninety-six inches, excepting that
farm tractors shall not exceed one hundred and eight inches, and
excepting, further, that the limitations as to size of vehicles stated
in this section shall not apply to implements of husbandry temporarily
propelled or moved upon the public highway.

(b) No vehicle unladen or with load shall exceed a height of
twelve feet, six inches.


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(c) No vehicle shall exceed a length of thirty feet, and no
combination of vehicles coupled together shall exceed a total
length of eighty-five feet.

(d) No train of vehicles or vehicle operated alone shall carry
any load extending more than three feet beyond the front thereof.

(e) No passenger vehicle shall carry any load extending beyond
the line of the fenders on the left side of such vehicle nor
extending more than six inches beyond the line of the fenders on
the right side thereof.

Sec. 489(37). Flag or light at end of load.

Whenever the load on any vehicle shall extend more than four
feet beyond the rear of the bed or body thereof, there shall be
displayed at the end of such load in such position as to be clearly
visible at all times from the rear of such load, a red flag not less
than twelve inches both in length and width, except that between
one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise,
there shall be displayed at the end of any such load a red or amber
light plainly visible under normal atmospheric conditions at
least two hundred feet from the rear of such vehicle.

Sec. 489(38). Weight of vehicles and loads.

No vehicle shall be drawn or propelled over any of the public
highways within this City the wheel load of which shall exceed
eight thousand pounds per wheel, or having a weight exceeding
six hundred and fifty pounds per inch, width of tires,
measured in contact with the surface of the highway. No vehicle
or combination of vehicles shall carry a gross weight, including
weight of vehicle and load, exceeding forty thousand
pounds, nor the wheel load weight or per inch width of tire exceed
that specified above; and provided, further that no vehicle
shall cross any bridge or culvert within this City where the gross
load is greater than the amount posted on the bridge or culvert
as its carrying capacity. Any violation of this subsection shall
constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punished as provided in
subsection 64 of this section.

Sec. 489(39). Officers may weigh vehicle and require
removal of excess load.

Any officer authorized to enforce the law under this section,


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having reason to believe that the weight of a vehicle and load is
unlawful is authorized to weigh the same either by means of
loadometers or scales and may require that such vehicle be driven
to the nearest scales in the event such scales are within two miles.
The officer may then require the driver to immediately unload
such portion of the load as may be necessary to decrease the
gross weight of such vehicle to the maximum therefor specified
in this section.

Sec. 489(40). Permits for excessive size and weight.

The Mayor and Chief of Police may, in their discretion, upon
application in writing and good cause being shown therefor, issue
a special permit in writing authorizing the applicant to operate
or move a vehicle upon the highways of a size or weight
exceeding the maximum specified in this section. Every such
permit shall be issued for a single trip and may designate the
route to be traversed and contain any other restrictions or conditions
deemed necessary by the one granting such permit. Every
such permit shall be carried in the vehicle to which it refers and
shall be open to inspection by any such officer, and it shall be unlawful
for any person to violate any of the terms or conditions
of such special permit.

Sec. 489(41). Mayor and chief of police may decrease
weight limits.

The Mayor and Chief of Police may adopt regulations decreasing
the weight and load limit specified in subsection 38 for
a total period not to exceed 90 days in any calendar year, when
operation over streets or highways by reason of deterioration,
rain, snow or other climatic conditions, will seriously damage
such streets or highways unless such weights are reduced. No
such regulation shall be effective unless signs stating the weight
specified in such regulations are erected at each end of the section
of the street or highway affected.

Sec. 489(42). Restrictions as to tire equipment.

(a) Every solid rubber tire on a vehicle moved on any highway
shall have rubber on its entire traction surface at least one
inch thick above the edge of the flange of the entire periphery.

(b) No tire on a vehicle moved on a highway shall have on


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its periphery any block, stud, flange, cleat or spike or any other
proturberance of any material other than rubber, which projects
beyond the tread of the traction surface of the tire, without its
being transported on a temporary track of plank or other suitable
material, except that it shall be permissible to use farm machinery
having protuberance which will not seriously injure the
highway, and to use tire chains of reasonable proportions when
required for safety because of snow, ice or other conditions tending
to cause a vehicle to slide or skid.

(c) The Mayor or Chief of Police may, in their discretion,
issue special permits authorizing the operation upon a highway
of traction engines or tractors having movable tracks with transverse
corrugations upon the periphery of such movable tracks.

Sec. 489(43). Trailers and towed vehicles.

(a) No motor vehicle shall be driven upon any highway drawing
or having attached thereto more than one other vehicle, except
that a motor vehicle with semi-trailer may draw in addition
thereto one other vehicle.

(b) The draw bar or other connection between any two vehicles,
one of which is towing or drawing the other on a highway,
shall not exceed fifteen feet in length from one vehicle to the
other. Whenever such connection consists of a chain, rope, or
cable, there shall be displayed upon such connection a red flag
or cloth, not less than twelve inches both in length and width.

(c) Provided that the Mayor and Chief of Police may in
their discretion issue special permits for vehicles to be driven
upon the streets drawing or having attached thereto more than
one other vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer.

Sec. 489(44). Brakes.

Every motor vehicle when operated upon a highway shall be
equipped with brakes adequate to control the movement of and
to stop such vehicle or vehicles, and such brakes shall be maintained
in good working order and shall conform to regulations
to be promulgated by the commissioner.

Sec. 489(45). Horns and warning devices.

(a) Every motor vehicle when operated upon a highway shall


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be equipped with a horn in good working order capable of emitting
sound audible under normal conditions over a distance of
not less than two hundred feet; and it shall be unlawful for any
vehicle to be equipped with or for any person to use upon a vehicle
any siren, exhaust, compression or spark plug whistle or
for any person at any time to use a horn otherwise than as a
reasonable warning or to make an unnecessary or unreasonably
loud or harsh sound by means of a horn or other warning device,
except that the vehicles of common carriers, or extraordinarily
large and heavy vehicles may be equipped with such type of
warning device as the Director of the Division of Motor Vehicles
may require or permit.

(b) Every police and fire department vehicle and every ambulance
used for emergency calls shall be equipped with a siren
or exhaust whistle of a type not prohibited by the department.

Sec. 489(46). Mirrors.

All motor vehicles so constructed or loaded as to prevent the
driver from obtaining a view of the highway to the rear shall be
equipped with a mirror so located as to reflect to the driver a
plain view of the highway for a distance of at least two hundred
feet to the rear of such vehicle.

Sec. 489(47). Windshields on motor vehicles.

It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any vehicle upon
a highway with any sign, poster or other non-transparent material
upon the front windshield, side wings, or rear windows of such
motor vehicle other than a certificate or other paper required to
be so displayed by law, or which may be permitted by the Director
of the Division of Motor Vehicles.

Sec. 489(48). Prevention of noise, smoke, etc.—muffler
cutouts regulated.

(a) No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a highway unless
such motor vehicle is equipped with a muffler in good working
order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual
noise, annoying smoke and the escape of excessive gas,
steam, or oil. All exhaust pipes carrying exhaust gases from the


Page 216
motor shall be directed parallel with the ground or slightly upward.

(b) It shall be unlawful to use a "muffler cutout" on any motor
vehicle upon a highway.

(c) No vehicle shall be driven or moved on any highway unless
such vehicle is so constructed as to prevent its contents from
dropping, sifting, leaking, or otherwise escaping therefrom.

Sec. 489(49). Required lighting equipment of vehicles.

(a) When vehicles must be equipped.—Every vehicle upon a
highway within this City during the period from a half hour after
sunset to a half hour before sunrise and at any other time when
there is not sufficient light to render clearly discernible any person
on the highway at a distance of two hundred feet ahead,
shall be equipped with lighted front and rear lamps as in this
subsection respectively required for different classes of vehicles
and subject to exemption with reference to lights on parked vehicles
as declared in subsection fifty-six.

(b) Head Lamps on Motor Vehicles.—Every motor vehicle
other than a motorcycle, road-roller, road machinery, or farm
tractor shall be equipped with two head lamps, no more and no
less, of approximately equal candle power at the front of and
on opposite sides of the motor vehicle which head lamps shall
comply with the requirements and limitations set forth in subsection
fifty-one or subsection fifty-two and except as to acetylene
head lamps shall be of a type which has been approved by the

(c) Head Lamps on Motorcycles.—Every motorcycle shall
be equipped with at least one and not more than two head lamps
which shall be of a type approved by the commissioner and shall
project sufficient light to the front of such motorcycle to reveal
a person at a distance of two hundred feet, but shall not project
a glaring or dazzling light to persons approaching such motorcycle.

(d) Rear Lamps.—Every motor vehicle and every trailer or
semi-trailer which is being drawn at the end of a train of vehicles
shall carry at the rear a lamp exhibiting a red or yellow
light plainly visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a


Page 217
distance of five hundred feet to the rear of such vehicle and so
constructed and placed that the number plate carried on the rear
of such vehicle shall under like conditions be so illuminated by a
white light as to be read from a distance of fifty feet to the rear
of such vehicle.

(e) Lamps on Bicycles.—Every bicycle shall be equipped with
a lighted lamp on the front thereof visible under normal atmospheric
conditions from a distance of at least three hundred feet
in front of such bicycle and shall also be equipped with a reflex
mirror or lamp on the rear exhibiting a red or yellow light visible
under like conditions from a distance of at least two hundred feet
to the rear of such bicycle.

(f) Lights on Other Vehicles.—All vehicles not heretofore in
this subsection required to be equipped with specified lighted
lamps shall carry one or more lighted lamps or lanterns projecting
a white light, visible under normal atmospheric conditions
from a distance of not less than five hundred feet to the rear and
front of such vehicle.

Sec. 489(50). Additional permissible lights on vehicles.

(a) Spot Lights.—Any motor vehicle may be equipped with
not to exceed two spot lights, except that a motorcycle shall not
be equipped with more than one spot light, and every spot light
shall be so aimed and used, upon approaching another vehicle,
that no part of the beam will be directed to the left of the center
of the highway, not more than one hundred feet ahead of the

(c) Other Exterior Lights Prohibited.—No vehicle shall be
with two side lamps upon the front of such vehicle and projecting
a light to the front or side and conforming to regulations adopted
by the commissioner. No electrical lamps or bulbs exceeding
four standard candle power shall be used in any such side lamp.

(c) Other exterior Lights Prohibited.—No vehicle shall be
equipped with any lighting device other than those required or
permitted in this or the preceding subsection except that this provision
shall not be deemed to prevent the use upon a motor vehicle
of interior lights of low candle power, nor the use of vacant
or destination signs on vehicles operated as public carriers.


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(d) Auxiliary Lamps.—Any motor vehicle may be equipped
with such auxiliary lights of low candle power and illuminated
signal devices as may be permitted or required under this section
or the rules and regulations adopted by the commissioner.

(e) All vehicles with bodies extending over the wheels on the
sides and measuring seven feet or more in height from the ground
shall, in addition to the lights hereinbefore required, carry two
white lights on the front of the body, and two red lights on the
rear of the body so placed as to plainly show the width and height
of such vehicle, both front and back.

Sec. 489(51). Requirements as to head lamps.

(a) The head lamps of motor vehicles shall be so constructed,
arranged, and adjusted that they will at all times mentioned in
subsection forty-nine and under normal atmospheric conditions
produce a driving light sufficient to render clearly discernible a
person two hundred feet ahead, but shall not project a glaring or
dazzling light to persons in front of such head lamps.

(b) Head lamps shall be deemed to comply with the foregoing
provisions prohibiting glaring and dazzling lights if none of the
main portion of the head lamp beam rises above a horizontal
plane passing through the lamp centers parallel to the level road
upon which the loaded vehicle stands and in no case higher than
forty-two inches, seventy-five feet ahead of the vehicle.

(c) Whenever a vehicle is being operated upon a highway or
portion thereof which is sufficiently lighted to reveal any person
upon the highway at a distance of two hundred feet ahead of
such vehicle it shall be permissible to dim the head lamps or to
tilt the main beams of light thereof downward or such head
lamps may be extinguished provided such vehicle is equipped
with two lighted side lamps projecting a light to the front of such
vehicle and which comply with the rules and regulations of the

Sec. 489(52). Acetylene lights.

Motor vehicles may be equipped with two acetylene head lamps
of approximately equal candle power when equipped with clear
plain glass fronts, bright six inch spherical mirrors and standard
acetylene five-eighths foot burners not more and not less and which


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project a driving light sufficient to render clearly discernible a
person upon the roadway within a distance of two hundred feet
but must not project a glaring or dazzling light into the eyes of
approaching drivers.

Sec. 489(53). Head lamp specifications, test and approval.

(a) The commissioner is authorized and required to determine
whether any head lamps of a type sold for use or used upon any
motor vehicle will comply with the requirements of subsection
fifty-one and the specifications set forth in this section and to approve
such head lamp devices and to publish lists thereof by
name and type as it shall determine are lawful herein after a laboratory
test as provided herein.

(b) The commissioner is authorized to accept a certificate of
the United States bureau of standards or some other recognized
testing laboratory having an arrangement with the said bureau
by which appeal may be made to it in case of dispute as to the
findings of such other laboratory which certificate certifies that
a head lamp device is of a type which by laboratory test has been
found to meet the specifications set forth in this section when
properly mounted, adjusted, and equipped with proper candle
power bulbs provided the commissioner is hereby authorized to
refuse approval to any device certified as above which the commissioner
determines will be in actual use unsafe or impracticable
or would fail to comply with the provisions hereof.

(c) Head lamps by laboratory test shall meet the following
requirements and limitations:

1. In the median vertical plane parallel to the lamps on a level
with the centers of the lamps not less than eighteen hundred and
not more than six thousand apparent candle power.

2. In the median vertical plane, one degree of arc below the
level of the center of the lamps, not less than seven thousand two
hundred apparent candle power, and there shall not be less than
seven thousand two hundred apparent candle power anywhere
on the horizontal line through this point, one degree of arc to the
left and to the right of this point.

3. In the median vertical plane, one degree of arc above the


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level of the center of the lamps, not more than twenty-four hundred
nor less than eight hundred apparent candle power.

4. Four degrees of arc to the left of the median vertical plane
and one degree of arc above the level of the center of the lamps
not more than eight hundred apparent candle power.

5. One and one-half degrees of arc below the level of the center
of the lamps and three degrees of arc to the left and to the
right, respectively, of the median vertical plane not less than five
thousand apparent candle power nor less than this amount anywhere
on the line connecting these two points.

6. Three degrees of arc below the level of the center of the
lamps and six degrees of arc to the left and to the right, respectively,
of the median vertical plane not less than two thousand
apparent candle power nor less than this amount anywhere on
the line connecting these two points.

Sec. 489(54). Head lamp devices must be tested and
approved before sale or use.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for
sale, either separately or as a part of the equipment of a motor
vehicle, or to use upon a motor vehicle on a highway any head
lamp, head lamp lens reflector, or head lamp control device or any
combination thereof unless of a type which has been submitted to a
laboratory test and found to comply with the specifications herein
set forth and which type has been approved by the commissioner.

(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale
either separately or as a part of the equipment of a motor vehicle
any head lamp device approved by the commissioner unless such
device bears thereon a trade mark or name and is accompanied
by printed instructions as to the proper candle power globes to be
used therewith as approved by the commissioner and any particular
method of mounting or adjustment as to focus or tilt necessary
to enable such device to meet the requirements of this section.

Sec. 489(55). Retest of approved head lamp device.

The commissioner when having reason to believe that an approved
head lamp device sold commercially does not under ordinary


Page 221
conditions of use comply with the requirements of this
section may after notice to the manufacturer thereof suspend or
revoke the certificate of approval issued therefor until or unless
such head lamp device is resubmitted to and retested by an authorized
testing agency and is found to meet the requirements of this
section. The commissioner may at the time of the retest purchase
in the open market and submit the testing agency one or
more sets of such approved head lamp device and if such device
upon such retest fails to meet the requirements of this section
the commissioner may revoke the certificate of approval of such

Sec. 489(56). Lights on parked vehicles.

Whenever a vehicle is parked or stopped upon a highway
whether attended or unattended during the times mentioned in
subsection forty-nine there shall be displayed upon such vehicle
one or more lamps projecting a white light visible under normal
atmospheric conditions from a distance of five hundred feet to
the front of such vehicle and projecting a red or yellow light visible
under like conditions from a distance of five hundred feet to
the rear except that no lights need be displayed upon any such
vehicle when parked in accordance with this and other subsections
upon any highway where there is sufficient light to reveal any
persons within a distance of two hundred feet upon such highways.

Sec. 489(57). Red or green light visible from in front
of vehicle prohibited.

It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or move any vehicle
upon a highway with any red or green light thereon visible
from directly in front thereof.

Sec. 489(58). Signal devices.

(a) Any motor vehicle which is so constructed or carries a
load in such manner as to prevent the hand and arm signal described
in this section from being visible both to the front and
rear of such vehicle shall be equipped with a mechanical or electrical
signal device which meets the requirements of this section
and is of a type approved by the Director of the Division of Motor


Page 222

(b) Every device intended to give a signal of intention to turn
or stop a vehicle shall give a signal plainly visible at all times
from a distance of at least one hundred feet to the rear of the
vehicle upon which it is used.

(c) The Director of the Division of Motor Vehicles is authorized
to adopt and enforce rules and regulations not inconsistent
with this section governing the construction, location, and
operation of signal devices and the color of lights which may be
used in any such electric devices. The Director is authorized to
accept a certificate of the United States bureau of standards of
some other recognized testing laboratory having an arrangement
with the said bureau by which appeal may be made to it in case
of dispute as to the findings of such other laboratory, which certificate
certifies that a signal device is of a type which has been
found to meet the regulations of the Director with reference

(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for
sale, either separately or as a part of the equipment of a vehicle,
or to use upon a vehicle on a highway any signal device intended
to give notice of intention to turn or stop the vehicle upon which
it is used unless meeting the requirements of this section and of
a type first approved by the Director.