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[Riches to love and clothing gay]

There was a certain rich man, which was, &c. —xvi. 19.

Riches to love and clothing gay,
Themselves to pamper every day,
And to neglect the poor,


Consigns the men who will not know
Their God, to everlasting woe,
And makes damnation sure.
Ye rich who live yourselves to please,
Your pleasures and luxurious ease
Compare to Jesus' cross:
How doth your life with His agree,
Your pomp with His humility,
Your riot with His laws?
Daily do you yourselves deny,
Your lusts and passions mortify,
And serve and suffer on?
Set ye your hearts on things above,
God beyond all His creatures love,
And worship Him alone?
Alas, ye scorn the Lord to fear,
To work out your salvation here,
Or all for Christ forego:
His needy members ye despise,
And shut against the light your eyes,
To lift them up—below!