University of Virginia Library

Nov. 12-18

Spend most of Sunday reading Cardophonia. Go on Tuesday to Rugby to attend a party which the young folks have on Wednesday night. I enjoy it much, especially the dancing and supper. Make some nice acquaintances ....I get home Thursday feeling tired and stiff which is not surprising when such old people indulge in such gaieties. A letter from Dave. He is working hard; wants to accomplish in 18 months what usually requires three years. While at Rugby see Mr. Shay who has called on his way to New Orleans to say good bye. Believe he was really grieved to take leave of his Virginia friends. [He will return and marry Julia Lewis of The Creek.]....I forgot to mention that while at Rugby I was introduced to Susie's betrothed, Mr. Folkes. He is pleasant looking and is agreeable. I think I shall like him on better acquaintance. Write to Ellen Lewis.