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[With mercy's quickest eyes]

His father saw him, and had compassion, &c. —xv. 20.

With mercy's quickest eyes
His wretched son He sees,
The prodigal far off espies,
And pities his distress:


At sight of human woe
His yearning bowels move,
The Father swiftly runs to show
His warm paternal love.
A late-returning child,
His mercy's arms embrace,
His lips declare him reconciled,
His lips distilling grace;
The kiss dispels his fears,
With balmy words applied,
The self-condemning sinner hears,
And seals him justified.
Not one upbraiding word
The pardon'd sinner grieves:
In mercy rich his heavenly Lord
Forgets when He forgives:
He hears his heart's desire,
Preventing his request,
And recent from the swine and mire
Receives him to His breast.