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1  O ME, man of slack faith so long!
Standing aloof — denying portions so long;
Only aware to-day of compact, all-diffused truth;
Discovering to-day there is no lie, or form of lie, and      can be none, but grows as inevitably upon it-     self as the truth does upon itself,
Or as any law of the earth, or any natural production      of the earth does.
2  (This is curious, and may not be realized immedi-     ately — But it must be realized;
I feel in myself that I represent falsehoods equally      with the rest,
And that the universe does.)
3  Where has fail'd a perfect return, indifferent of lies      or the truth?
Is it upon the ground, or in water or fire? or in the      spirit of man? or in the meat and blood?
4  Meditating among liars, and retreating sternly into      myself, I see that there are really no liars or      lies after all,
And that nothing fails its perfect return — And that      what are called lies are perfect returns,
And that each thing exactly represents itself, and      what has preceded it,
And that the truth includes all, and is compact, just      as much as space is compact,


And that there is no flaw or vacuum in the amount of      the truth — but that all is truth without ex-     ception;
And henceforth I will go celebrate anything I see      or am,
And sing and laugh, and deny nothing.


FORMS, qualities, lives, humanity, language, thoughts,
The ones known, and the ones unknown — the ones on      the stars,
The stars themselves, some shaped, others unshaped,
Wonders as of those countries — the soil, trees, cities,      inhabitants, whatever they may be,
Splendid suns, the moons and rings, the countless      combinations and effects;
Such-like, and as good as such-like, visible here or      anywhere, stand provided for in a handful of      space, which I extend my arm and half enclose      with my hand;
That contains the start of each and all — the virtue,      the germs of all.


1  Now I make a leaf of Voices — for I have found      nothing mightier than they are,
And I have found that no word spoken, but is beauti-     ful, in its place.
2  O what is it in me that makes me tremble so at      voices?
Surely, whoever speaks to me in the right voice, him      or her I shall follow,


As the water follows the moon, silently, with fluid      steps any where around the globe.
3  All waits for the right voices;
Where is the practis'd and perfect organ? Where is      the develop'd Soul?
For I see every word utter'd thence has deeper,      sweeter, new sounds, impossible on less terms.
4  I see brains and lips closed — tympans and temples      unstruck,
Until that comes which has the quality to strike and      to unclose,
Until that comes which has the quality ot bring forth      what lies slumbering, forever ready, in all      words.


1   WHAT am I, after all, but a child, pleased with the      sound of my own name? repeating it over and      over;
I stand apart to hear — it never tires me.
2  To you, your name also,
Did you think there was nothing but two or three pro-     nunciations in the sound of your name?


LOCATIONS and times — what is it in me that meets them      all, whenever and wherever, and makes me at      home?
Forms, colors, densities, odors — what is it in me that      corresponds with them?
