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Rhymed Mottoes for the Members of the Open-Air Mission.

[‘Occupy till I return:’]

‘Occupy till I come.’—
Luke xix. 13.

Occupy till I return:’
Let us, Lord, this lesson learn;
May our every moment be
Faithfully filled up for Thee.

[Be not far from me, we pray]

‘Be not far from me.’—
Ps. xxii. 11.

Be not far from me, we pray:
‘I am with thee all the day;’
This Thy answer, strong and clear!
Master, Thou art always near.


[Thou art faithful; praise Thy name]

‘He is faithful that promised.’—
Heb. x. 23.

Thou art faithful; praise Thy name,
Thou art evermore the same;
Thou hast promised; oh, how blest
On Thy royal word to rest!

[‘He that winneth souls is wise’]

‘He that winneth souls is wise.’—
Prov. xi. 30.

He that winneth souls is wise’
In the Master's gracious eyes;
Well may we contented be
To be counted fools for Thee.

[So may we redeem the time]

‘Redeeming the time.’—
Col. iv. 5.

So may we redeem the time,
That with every evening chime
Our rejoicing hearts may see
Blood-bought souls brought back to Thee.

[Let us, by Thy Spirit stirred]

‘Lay up His words in thine heart.’—
Job xxii. 22.

Let us, by Thy Spirit stirred,
In our hearts lay up Thy word.
Daily, Lord, increase our store,
Fill our treasures more and more.