University of Virginia Library


Must it come to a battle? Shall Christians contend
With swords and with staves for the faith we defend?
Will they force it upon us, that all through this land
The freemen must fight who for Liberty stand?
Our fathers when erst for Religion they stood,
At the Great Reformation for God and the good,
In the much that they won left us somewhat to win,
When we strive for the truth against Satan and sin;


And so there were some things which compromise dealt,
Which ignorance fancied, and prejudice felt,
That clung to the Prayer-book like burrs on the hand,
To sow Popish weeds on this Protestant Land.
These taints in the Liturgy, subtle but few,
We claim to cut out, as reforming anew,—
The priestcraft, the Presence, the hold here and there
Your Romanists claim in our plain Common Prayer.
They strive by these drag-lines to pull the ship back,
But we break away—Forward, ho!—on the track,—
No mid-channel towings to hamper it thus,
But the Fair-Haven gale of the Gospel for us!
A new Reformation; if peacefully won,
Thank God for all kindliness under the sun!
If fiercely fought out between false men and true,
Thank God that the many must conquer the few!
For, laymen by millions are Liberty's hope,
While a few petty priests are the slaves of the Pope,—
And Protestant England resolves that her home
Evermore shall be free from the thraldoms of Rome.
Evermore shall be free! for the Protestant heart
Will sooner with life than with liberty part;
And Englishmen claim their religion to be
The faith of the Bible, as pure and as free!