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Awd Isaac

The Steeplechase, and Other Poems; With a Glossary of the Yorkshire Dialect. By John Castillo

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Some men have Rules so incorrect,
They almost always vary;
And some make Rules to gain respect,
But I'm for one contrary!
Some strive to gain the smiles of men,
But I prefer their frown;
The torrent of my pride to stem,
And keep ambition down!
The praise of men's an empty thing,
And crowns and sceptres vain,
To him who seeks the “living spring,”
As parch'd lands look for rain!
Some recommend the hearty laugh,
But I prefer the tear,
Which tells me that my heart is soft,
My hope of heaven is clear!
Some say, “Give me the tavern song!”
But I prefer the sigh,
Which though unnoticed by the throng,
Yet pierces to the sky!


Some say, “Give me that pleasing look,
Which does the fancy win!”
But give me one that's plain without,
If she be fair within!
Some plead for ornamental dress,
The concert and the ball;
Except the Robe of Righteousness,
Let me be stript of all!
Some love with dealers dark to dwell,
And glory in the night;
But I would shun the road to hell,
Therefore I love the light!
Some love their minds with tales to feed,
Of regions yet untrod;—
When I've a little time to read,
Give me the Book of God!
Some praise a head of natural wit
And worldly wisdom full;
Without the truths of Holy Writ,
Give me an empty skull!
The jet, the gold, or ivory cross,
By many is admir'd;
But I esteem the blood of Him,
Who on the cross expir'd!
My heart with sin as crimson dyed,
Would ever so remain;
But if that blood by faith's applied,
'Twill cleanse from every stain!


With some their fill of pleasure here,
Is all the good they crave:—
Give me a humble, holy fear,
A hope beyond the grave!
At wisdom's shrine I'll light my torch,
And in her pleasant ways,
Under the Nazarene's reproach,
I'll live out all my days!
Thus whether sanction'd or despis'd,
Such is my fancy's Rule;
In keeping which I shall be wise,
Although accounted fool!
Let the free thinker take the hint,
And with my creed agree;
That all are not compell'd to think,
Nor speak the same as he!