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A Parody.

My Lord P—loquitur
My cab is at the door,
Thou must raise the wind for me—
But ere you go, Tom Moore,
Here's a snug douceur for thee!


Here's a bond for those who'll lend me,
And a bill at six months' date—
And I'll sign whate'er you send me,—
Get the cash at any rate!
Though boring duns surround me,
They still must trust me on;
Till you the cash have found me,
“Call again” to every one!
Each knock I know full well,
And my fainting spirits sink
When they pull the area bell,
So be off and fetch the “chink!”
Mind and bring me back by one,
Of thousands half a score,—
Hark! there's another dun;—
Adieu! adieu! Tom Moore!


It need scarcely be said that the Tom Moore addressed in the above pathetic lines was not the poet, but one whose name was mixed up with that of a noble lord in certain bill transactions which came before the public.