University of Virginia Library


Iupiter and the Indian Ale.

Take away this clammy nectar!”
Said the king of gods and men;
“Never at Olympus' table
Let that trash be served again.
Ho, Lyæus, thou, the beery!
Quick—invent some other drink;
Or, in a brace of shakes, thou standest
On Cocytus' sulphury brink!”
Terror shook the limbs of Bacchus,
Paly grew his pimpled nose,


And already in his rearward
Felt he Jove's tremendous toes;
When a bright idea struck him—
“Dash my thyrsus! I'll be bail—
For you never were in India—
That you know not Hodgson's Ale!
“Bring it!” quoth the Cloud-compeller;
And the wine-god brought the beer—
“Port and Claret are like water
To the noble stuff that's here!”
And Saturnius drank and nodded,
Winking with his lightning eyes;
And amidst the constellations
Did the star of Hodgson rise!