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Bog-land Studies

By J. Barlow: 3rd ed

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But that instant he stepped round the end o' the turf-stack fornint the boreen,
Wid a scarlet to aquil the poppies ablaze on his bit o' coateen,
And his belts and his straps and his buckles as white an' as bright as could shine—
Whin a dragon-fly sits on the slant o' the sun he looks somethin' as fine—
Till he seemed to be lightin' a dazzle an' glitter each step that he stirred;
And his little red cap set a-top wid a cock, like the crest of a bird,


And his spurs glancin' out at his heels, an' the stripes o' gold lace down his sleeve;
And himself was just Felix Magrath comin' home to his father's on leave.